Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Be a Blessing
Read Genesis 12:1-3
1. What is a significant promise that you have made or that someone has made to you?
2. What did the Lord tell Abram to do? ( Gen 12:1)
3. What did the Lord promise to do for Abram? (Gen 12:2-3)
4. How would you describe the promise the Lord made to Abram? (Genesis 12:1-3)
5. How do you memorialize your significant experiences with God?
Read Galatians 3:3-9
6. Why did Paul ask the Galatians if their suffering had been for nothing? (3:4)
7. On what basis did the Holy Spirit perform miracles? (3:5)
8. How did Paul's use of Abraham as an example of faith strike a blow to the champions of the Law? (3:6-8)
9. What is your relationship to Abraham?
10. What has Christ done for you?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Living Stones - 1 Peter 2:4-12
1 Peter 2:4-12 - The Living Stone and a Chosen People
1. What is something that is very precious to you?
2. How did God and people treat the living Stone (Christ) differently? (2:4)
3. What will happen to those who trust in the "Cornerstone"? (2:6)
4. How was Christ treated differently by believers and unbelievers? (2:7)
5. In what way did the "Stone" (Christ) cause some people to stumble? (2:8)
6. How does our past compare with our present condition? (2:10)
7. Why is it important for believers to live good lives? (2:12)
8. How is Christ still being rejected by people today? Why?
9. How does being chosen by God for a special task make you feel?
10. What are the implications of believers being a chosen people, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation?
11. Why is it so hard to abstain from sinful desires?
12. How do you need to change your plans for the near future so that you will be an example to the unbelievers with whom you have regular contact?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Nehemiah 13:1-31 - God's People Must Persevere
1. How good are you at keeping promises?
2. What are the indications in this chapter that the Israelites have slipped away from obeying God?
3. What did the Israelites discover when they read the Book of Moses at the celebration? (13:1-2)
4. What did the people do in response to what they discovered in the Book of Moses? (13:3)
5. What evil deed had Eliashib the priest done? (13:4-5)
6. How did Nehemiah react to Eliashib's sin? (13:7-9)
7. What had forced the Levites to return to their own fields? (13:10)
8. How did Nehemiah choose the men to put in charge of the storerooms? (13:13)
9. Of what sins were the people of Israel guilty? (13:15-16, 23-24)
10. Who has helped keep you accountable in your Christian walk?
11. What does this story reveal about the attitude we should have toward worshiping God?
12. In what ways should our treatment of the Sabbath differ from Old Testament law?
13. How would you like others to help you in dealing with your own sin?
Monday, September 1, 2008
Nehemiah 11:1-12:47 God's People Celebrate a New Beginning
1. How do you like to spend your weekends?
2. How did Israel celebrate the completion of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem? (12:27-47)
3. What has the Lord done in your life recently that motivates you to praise Him?
4. What does Nehemiah teach us through his example in choosing leaders?
5. What role did prayer play in Nehemiah's life?
6. Who has helped keep you accountable in your Christian walk?
7. How do you need to change your actions or attitudes toward church or worship?
8. When can you take time to pray each day this week?
9. Who is one person who could help keep you accountable in your spiritual life?