Monday, May 31, 2010

Hebrews 7:1-28 Jesus: an Eternal High Priest

Hebrews 7:1-28  Jesus: an Eternal High Priest

     1. What does your name mean?

     2. If you could have dinner with any three Bible characters, whom would you choose? Why?

     3. Who was Melchizedek? (7:1)

     4. How was Melchizedek associated with Abraham? (7:1)

     5. What is significant about the title, "king of Salem"? (7:2)

     6. What about the Genesis record of Melchizedek's life foreshadowed or anticipated the priesthood of Christ? (7:3)

     7. How do we know that Melchizedek was "great"? (7:4)

     8. Why was it unusual for Melchizedek to receive a tithe from Abraham? (7:6)

     9. How did Levi--the yet-unborn collector of tithes--pay tithes to Melchizedek? (7:9-10)

     10. Why did a new priest from the order of Melchizedek come along to replace the order of Aaron? (7:11)

     11.What tribe did Jesus Christ come from? (7:13-14) How is this significant?

     12. In what ways is Jesus like Melchizedek?

     13. On what basis did Christ become a priest? (7:15-16)

     14. How is Jesus unique among the priests who represented Israel before God? (7:23-25)

     15. What does it mean to you that Christ, like Melchizedek, is both a great king and priest?

     16. How does it make you feel to know that Jesus is praying for you at this very moment?

     17. What could you say to someone who says, "I don't see what Christ accomplished by dying on the cross"?

     18. What insight from this passage can you meditate upon today to keep you from drifting away from Christ?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hebrews 6:1-20 No Turning Back

Hebrews 6:1-20 No Turning Back

     1. What gives you a sense of security?

     2. What fundamental or basic doctrines form the foundation of our faith? (6:1-2)

     3. In the end, what enables us to reach spiritual maturity? (6:3)

     4. What are maturing, committed Christians like? (6:7)

     5. What are those who fall away from the faith like? (6:8)

     6. What danger did the author warn against? (6:12)

     7. How did God guarantee His promise to Abraham? (6:13-14)   

     8. What do we learn from this passage about God? (6:13, 17-18)
     9. How was Christ able to "enter the inner sanctuary behind the curtain"? (6:19-20)
    10. What did Christ do on our behalf? (6:20)

     11. In what way can a Christian become useless to God?

     12. How does Abraham's patience in waiting for God's promise encourage you?

     13. What can we do to move forward, or become more mature, in our relationship with Christ a little each day?

     14. How does it help us to know that it is impossible for God to lie?

     15. In what way can a Christian become useless to God?
     16. How can you rely on the goodness of God's Word for discernment in the decisions you must make?

     17. What promise of God do you need to cling at this time in your life?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hebrews 4:14-5:14 - Jesus the True Priest

Hebrews 4:14-5:14 - Jesus the True Priest

     1. Who do  you often turn to when you feel discouraged? Why?

     2. To what important spiritual leader did the author of Hebrews compare Jesus? (4:14)

     3. In what way is Jesus the ultimate high priest? (4:15)

     4. How does Christ respond to those who approach Him in faith? (4:15-16) Why?

     5. What is the role and primary duty of a high priest? (5:1)

     6. What makes a good high priest sympathetic to those he represents? (5:2)

     7. Who chose Israel's high priests? (5:4)

     8. How is Jesus like Melchizedek? (5:6) (see also Genesis 14 & Psalm 110)

     9. In what priestly activities did Jesus engage while on earth? (5:7)

     10. Who is described in this passage as the "source of eternal salvation"? (5:9)

     11. How does it encourage you to have Jesus as your high priest?

     12. What is the difference between sinning and being tempted?

     13. How did suffering to the point of death give Jesus insights into obedience?

     14. Why do you think suffering was part of God's will for Jesus as our high priest?

     15. What does it mean for us to approach God?

     16. What does it mean to you that Jesus has gone through the problems and temptations you face?

     17. For what specific area of your life do you need to approach Jesus and ask for mercy and grace?

     18. What steps do you need to take this week to follow the obedient example of Jesus, who did God's will even when it resulted in personal suffering?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hebrews 4:1-13 - A Sabbath-Rest for the People of God

Hebrews 4:1-13 - A Sabbath-Rest for the People of God

     1. What situations or circumstances tend to make you feel restless?

     2. What important promise is the subject of this passage? (4:1)

     3. How do we know that not everyone will experience God's rest (that is, His salvation)? (4:1-2)

     4. Why didn't the Israelites of the Exodus enter God's rest? (4:2)

     5. What must a person do to experience God's rest? (4:3)

     6. How long has God been giving us a chance to enter His rest? (4:4)

     7. Why did some who heard the promise of rest fail to enjoy that promise? (4:6)

     8. What rest awaited God's people after Joshua and the Israelites had conquered Canaan? (4:8-9)

     9. Entering God's rest has what effect on our work? (4:10)

     10. How should we seek to learn from the Israelites' negative example? (4:11)

     11. What is unique about God? (4:13)

     12. What does it mean to enter God's rest?

     13. How is enjoying God's salvation a reality in your life?

     14. What prevents you from enjoying God's rest (or salvation)?

     15. How does the fact that God sees and knows everything about you (actions, words, thoughts, motives, feelings, and attitudes) motivate you to live a holy life?

     16. What has the Word of God revealed about your own thoughts and attitudes of the heart?

     17. What one area of your life do you need to turn over to God today?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hebrews 3:1-19 - Jesus Greater Than Moses

Hebrews 3:1-19 - Jesus Greater Than Moses

     1. Who are (or were) some of the heroes of your generation?

     2. What blessing is promised to those who know Christ? (3:1)

     3. Who is Jesus? (3:1-2)

     4. In what ways are Moses and Jesus similar? (3:2, 5-6)

    5. Why is Jesus worthy of more honor than Moses? (3:3-6)

    6. How do we demonstrate that we are members of God's household? (3:6)

     7. What qualities are necessary for us to be faithful children of God? (3:6)

    8. What warning (first issued by the psalmist) is repeated here by the author of Hebrews? (3:7-8)

   9. What were the consequences of the Israelites' stubborn disobedience? (3:11)

     10. How ought our identity affect the way we live in our daily lives?

     11. In light of the disobedience of the Israelites of the Exodus, what command was given to the Jewish Christians of the first century? (3:12)

     12. Why is it important for us to fix our thoughts on Jesus, our apostle and high priest?

     13. What is the connection between sin and unbelief? (3:12-13)

     14. What happened to the generation of Israelites who rebelled against God in the wilderness? (3:17-18)

     15. In what ways is Christ greater than our greatest spiritual leaders and mentors?

     16. What does it mean to harden one's heart?

     17. What is one concrete way you can give to Jesus the honor that He deserves today?