Monday, December 7, 2009

Philippians 4:10-23 - Contentment and Generosity

Philippians 4:10-23 - Contentment and Generosity

     1. When was a time you felt contentment in the middle of problems or uncertainty?

     2. Why was Paul glad? (4:10-13)

     3. What lesson had Paul learned about contentment? (4:10-13)

     4. What did the Philippians do about Paul's troubles? (4:14)

     5. How had the Philippians supported Paul in the past? (4:15-16)

     6. What did Paul want for the Philippians? (4:17)

     7. How did Paul respond to the Philippians' generosity? (4:18-19)

     8. To what did Paul give prominence in closing his letter? (4:23)

     9. How could Paul be so flexible in his approach to life's circumstances?

     10. How do you handle the unexpected?

     11. What can you learn from Paul about being content?

     12. The Philippian Christians helped Paul when he needed it; how are you able to help others in trouble?

     13. How will God honor a giving spirit?

     14. How can the relationship between Paul and the Philippians help your church in its relationship to those involved in missions?

     15. What can you do to develop an attitude of contentment in all circumstances?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Philippians 4:2-9 - Trust Christ

Philippians 4:2-9 - Trust Christ

     1. How do you tend to respond when things don't go your way?

     2. What did Paul exhort the Philippian believers to do? (4:1)

     3. Why did Paul plead with Euodia and Syntyche? (4:2)

     4. What was Paul's relationship with Clement? (4:3)

     5. What did Paul encourage his readers to do? (4:4)

     6. How did Paul tell the Philippian Christians to treat others? (4:5)

     7. How should an awareness of Christ's imminent return affect a person's attitude? (4:5-7)

     8. What were the Philippians to do instead of worrying? (4:6-7)

     9. How can a believer enjoy the peace of God? (4:6-7)

     10. How can believers enjoy the presence of the God of peace? (4:9)

     11. When have you been involved in helping Christians resolve differences?

     12. How can you have a peaceful spirit?

     13. If you were more thankful, joyful, and gentle, how might your family and friends be affected?

     14. What does it mean to live a righteous life-style?

     15. In what areas of your life do you need to follow Paul's example?

     16. How can you be an effective peacemaker this week?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Philippians 3:12-4:1 - Pressing on in Christ

Philippians 3:12-4:1 - Pressing on in Christ

     1. If you lived in ancient times and participated in sports, would you prefer chariot racing or spear throwing? Why?

     2. What was Paul's testimony? (3:12-14)

     3. What was Paul's goal? (3:14)

     4. How did Paul call the Philippians to share his view? (3:15)

     5. What was Paul's plea to the Philippians? (3:16)

     6. How did Paul describe God's enemies? (3:18-19)

     7. Whom did the Philippian believers eagerly await? (3:20)

     8. What characterizes citizens of heaven? (3:21)

     9. What kind of race are you running for Christ?

     10. What prize do you seek?

     11. How can you imitate Paul's life and example?

     12. How can Christ help you stay on track and reach the goal?

     13. What spiritual workout or training this week will help you run your Christian marathon?

     14. In what way can you renew your commitment to press on toward the goal of being like Christ?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Philippians 3:1-11 - Faith in Christ

Philippians 3:1-11 - Faith in Christ

     1. If you were to update your resume today, what recent accomplishment would you want to include?

     2. How do you feel when someone is better than you at something you do well?

     3. Why did Paul repeat essential truths to the Philippians? (3:1)

     4. What did Paul say about certain false teachers? (3:2)

     5. What autobiographical facts did Paul give? (3:4-6)

     6. In what sense was Paul not boasting, even though he was calling attention to his accomplishments? (3:7-9)

     7. Why did Paul view his former accomplishments as "rubbish"? (3:8)

     8. What was Paul's status in Christ? (3:9)

     9. What longings did Paul admit to the Philippians? (3:10-11)

     10. What sorts of things tend to draw you away from Christ?

     11. What do you usually boast about?

     12. Why should our identity and confidence be in the Lord?

     13. How is the Apostle Paul's commitment to Christ an example to you?

     14. When you face struggles this week, how can you remember to rejoice rather than complain?

     15. What do you need to start counting as rubbish for the sake of Christ?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Philippians 2:19-30 - Model Christ

Philippians 2:19-30 - Model Christ

1. When was the last time you gave a character reference for a friend?

2. What was Paul's opinion of Timothy? (2:20)

3. In Paul's view, why did Timothy stand out? (2:21-22)

4. When would Paul send Timothy to the Philippians? (2:23)

5. Who was Epaphroditus? (2:25)

6. How did Epaphroditus feel about his friends in Philippi? (2:26)

7. What happened to Epaphroditus? (2:26-27)

8. How did Paul demonstrate his selflessness? (2:28)

9. How were the Philippians told to welcome home Epaphroditus? (2:29-30)

10. Among your circle of Christian friends, for whom do you have the highest regard? Why?

11. Why could Paul count on Timothy and Epaphroditus?

12. In what ways have you proved to be a reliable servant of God?

13. What risks are you willing to take on behalf of other Christians?

14. This week, how can you look out for the interests of the Lord rather than your own interests?

15. How can you be a model of humility and service to other Christians this week?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Philippians 2:12-18 - Shining as Stars

Philippians 2:12-18 - Shining as Stars

1. Who pointed the way for you in your first job?

2. What is the most frequent complaint you hear?

3. What did the Philippian Christians need to obey? (2:12)

4. How would God help the Philippians obey Him? (2:12-13)

5. Why were the Philippians not shining "like stars" in their world? (2:14-16)

6. What would enable Paul to boast about the Philippians? (2:14-16)

7. How did Paul view his own life? (2:17)

8. What did Paul want his friends at Philippi to experience? (2:18)

9. What does it mean "to work out your salvation with fear and trembling"?

10. What do you tend to complain and argue about?

11. How does shining for Christ encourage others to be drawn to Him?

12. How can you help new believers "shine like stars" for God's kingdom?

13. In what situations this week do you need to make a conscious effort not to complain or argue?

14. Before whom do you want to shine in your place of work or neighborhood? In what ways can you do so?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Philippians 2:1-11 - Imitating Christ's Humility

Philippians 2:1-11 - Imitating Christ's Humility

1. How much of a peacemaker are you?

2. What four qualities mark unity with Christ? (2:1)

3. What did Paul say about self-centeredness? (2:3-4)

4. What did Paul exhort believers to have? (2:5)

5. What did Christ set aside when He became a man? (2:6-8)

6. How did Jesus limit Himself? (2:6-8)

7. How was Christ fully God and fully man at the same time? (2:6-8)

8. Why did Christ take on the limitations of being human even though He was of the same nature as God? (2:7)

9. How did Christ win sovereignty over all people and over everything? (2:10)

10. How does your life show that you count on Christ?

11. How can Christ help you keep peace with others?

12. What hinders unity in your church?

13. How does Christ's example of humility challenge our natural self-centeredness?

14. What practical steps can you take this week to demonstrate humility in your relationships?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Further small group study resources

For your small group study try using more than one version of the Bible in addition to the NIV or NRSV.

> The
Contemporary English Version, Amplified, The Message-paraphrase are all available at
> The
J B Philips New Testament in Modern English.
> The
Laughing Bird Scripture Paraphrase -

Dramatised Readings in Philippians by Doug Whitely

Map of Paul's Journeys
Free Powerpoint backgrounds for Philippians

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Philippians 1:27-30 Be Worthy of Christ

Philippians 1:27-30 Be Worthy of Christ

1. When you were younger what in-group, club or organisation did you want to belong to? Why?

2. What did Paul want the believers to do? (1:27-30)

3. What sort of conduct did Paul consider worthy of the gospel of

4. How did Paul tell the Philippians to face opposition? (1:27-30)

5. How did Paul encourage the Christians at Philippi? (1:29)

6. What had been granted to the Philippians on behalf of Christ? (29)

7. Have you ever suffered for Christ? If you have, describe the reason for your suffering. What was your attitude towards it?

8. What about your life-style do you most want to change in your desire to live for Christ?

9. Looking at your family, your church or your place of work, what could you do to increase the unity that is present? What effect would this have?

Philippians 1:19-26 Live for Christ

Philippians 1:19-26 Live for Christ

1. How interested are you in the lives of famous people?

2. Why did Paul expect to be delivered from his predicament? (1:19)

3. What was Paul's main purpose in living? (1:21)

4. What were Paul's convictions about living and dying? (1:22-24)

5. Why did Paul think he would remain alive? (1:24-26)

6. For what do you truly live?

7. Whom do you know who is suffering for Christ right now?

8. How is your church different from the Philippian church?

9. What's the toughest thing you've had to experience as a Christian?

10. What are you willing to risk to have the reputation of being a fearless Christian?

11. What can you do today to encourage someone who is suffering because of his or her faith?

Philippians 1:12-18 - Speak About Christ

Philippians 1:12-18 - Speak About Christ

1. How often do you watch TV shows or read articles about celebrities?

2. How was Paul's ministry affected by his bondage? (1:12-14)

3. Why was Paul being talked about? (1:13)

4. How did Paul's incarceration affect the testimony of others? (1:14)

5. Why did some people preach Christ out of envy and rivalry? (1:15-17)

6. Why did some people preach Christ in love? (1:15-16)

7. What made Paul rejoice? (1:18)

8. How did Paul's notoriety work to his advantage?

9. How would you like the reputation of being a fearless Christian?

10. To what degree do you share Paul's passion for the gospel?

11. What step toward dedicating every area of your life to Christ can you take today?

Philippians 1:1-11 - Thanksgiving and Prayer

Philippians 1:1-11 - Thanksgiving and Prayer

1. What's your usual way of saying hello to your friends?

2. How did Paul identify himself and his coworker? (1:1)

3. How did Paul greet the Philippians? (1:2)

4. When Paul thought about the Philippians, what did he do? (1:3)

5. How were the Philippians in partnership with Paul? (1:4-5)

6. What was Paul confident about? (1:6)

7. How did Paul feel about the Philippian church? (1:7-8)

8. What two results did Paul seek? (1:10-11)

9. Why is it a good practice to begin a letter with a Christian blessing?

10. What godly encouragement can you offer other Christians?

11. Paul complimented the church at Philippi; what positive things can you say about your congregation?

12. What prayer of thanksgiving can you offer for your church today?

13. How can you encourage someone in his or her Christian journey this week?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Proverbs 21:1-31 - Solomon's Wisdom

Proverbs 21:1-31 - Solomon's Wisdom

1. What sort of things do you crave?

2. What themes run through the proverbs in this chapter? (21:1-31)

3. What did Solomon say about marriage? (21:9, 19)

4. According to Solomon, how can punishment benefit a person? (21:11)

5. What's wrong with loving pleasure and wine? (21:17)

6. What promise is there for the person who pursues righteousness and love? (21:21)

7. What did Solomon say about cravings? (21:25-26)

8. How are our plans affected by God's will? (21:30-31)

9. When do people often rationalize sinful behavior?

10. What is the purpose of pleasure?

11. How should we enjoy pleasure?

12. When is it hard for you to guard what you say?

13. When can you take time this week to reexamine your motives?

14. In what way can you pursue righteousness and love?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Proverbs 31:1-31 - The Noble Wife

Proverbs 31:1-31 - The Noble Wife

1. Why do you think physical beauty is so important to people?

2. What makes a good marriage work?

3. What is a noble wife worth? (31:10)

4. What type of person do the last two-thirds of this chapter concern? (31:10-31)

5. In what tasks does the noble wife engage? (31:13-27)

6. How does the noble wife's family respond to her? (31:28)

7. What is deceptive and fleeting? (31:30)

8. What can we do to encourage wives and mothers in their God-given responsibilities?

9. How is charm deceptive?

10. Why is it important to keep in mind the fact that physical beauty is fleeting?

11. How can you recognize the importance of inner beauty?

12. What is one God-given role or responsibility (whether that of a wife or something else) you can devote to God's service?

13. How can you show appreciation to your mother or wife for her hard work and wisdom?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Proverbs 23:1-35 - Build Strong Families

Proverbs 23:1-35 - Build Strong Families

1. What methods of punishment (for example, spanking or time out) did your parents use when you were growing up?

2. What is deceptive? (23:1-3)

3. What themes are developed in these sayings of the wise? (23:1-35)

4. Why should we not withhold discipline from children? (23:13-14)

5. What did the author encourage the reader to do? (23:17-18)

6. How should we treat our parents? Why? (23:22-25)

7. What was the author's advice concerning alcohol? Why? (23:29-35)

8. If riches are fleeting, why do people strive so hard to acquire them?

9. How is being stingy with respect to your possessions as bad as wearing yourself out pursuing riches?

10. Why would a parent withhold discipline from his or her child?

11. How could disciplining a child save him or her from death?

12. Why should we be wary of alcohol?

13. What do you want to change or improve about the way you discipline your children?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Proverbs 29:1-27 - Manage Anger

Proverbs 29:1-27 - Manage Anger
1. What gets you mad?

2. Why do you think crime is increasing in our society?

3. What fate awaits the person who is stubborn, or stiff-necked? (29:1)

4. What characters did Solomon talk about in these proverbs? (29:1-27)

5. How did Solomon distinguish between the wicked, the wise, and the foolish? (29:1-27)

6. What damage does a flatterer do? (29:5)

7. How do the fool and the wise person deal with anger? (29:11)

8. When do people cast off restraint? (29:18)

9. What did Solomon say about the person who speaks in haste? (29:20)

10. From where do we get justice? (29:26)

11. Why will people be stubborn even when they know they are wrong?

12. How do you vent your anger and frustration?

13. What is the right way to deal with anger?

14. When do we usually speak without thinking?

15. How can we be responsible and not hasty with our words?

16. How can you better manage the way in which you deal with or express anger?

Monday, June 1, 2009

John 9:1-12 - Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

John 9:1-12 - Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

1. In what way would being blind change your life?

2. What question did Jesus' disciples ask Him about the blind man's condition? (9:2)

3. Why had this man been born blind? (9:3)

4. What question did the blind man's neighbors ask him? (9:10)

5. What did the man's neighbors want to know? (9:12)

6. How do our sins affect us physically or emotionally?

7. Through what disability or weakness can you glorify God?

8. What work has God given you to do while you still have time?

9. In what way has God healed you?

10. In what ways are we spiritually blind?

11. How did your family and friends respond when you put your faith in Christ?

12. For what healing in your life will you praise God today?

Monday, May 25, 2009

1 Corinthians 14:1-5; 26-33a- The Gift of Prophecy

1 Corinthians 14:1-5; 26-33a- The Gift of Prophecy

1. What are some traditions or practices in your family that would seem strange to someone outside your family?

2. What did God want the Corinthians to desire? (14:1)

3. Why were the Corinthians to desire the gift of prophecy more than the gift of tongues? (14:1-5)

4. What must be combined with the gift of tongues to make it useful to others? (14:6)

5. Why is it beneficial for unbelievers to hear prophesying in the church? (14:24-25)

6. Why did Paul use the example of musical instruments in talking about prophecy? (14:7-8)

7. How would you summarize God's priorities concerning the spiritual gift of prophecy?

8. What practices can every local church use to ensure that spiritual gifts are used to build up people?

9. What practices can every local church use to ensure that spiritual gifts are used to build up people?

10. How can you guard against desiring spiritual gifts for the wrong motives?

11. What more can your church or fellowship do to attract unbelievers?

12. How could you use one spiritual gift this week to help another Christian?

13. What passage of Scripture can you memorize to counteract a temptation to doubt God's involvement in your life?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Proverbs 13:1-25 - Be Generous

Proverbs 13:1-25 - Be Generous

1. What is something you crave?

2. When was the last time someone asked you to get involved in some sort of get-rich-quick scheme?

3. What do the unfaithful crave? (13:2)

4. How should we and should we not use money? (13:7)

5. What advantage does a person have who is poor? (13:8)

6. How should a person accumulate wealth? (13:11)

7. How does a prudent person act? (13:16)

8. What reward do righteous people receive? (13:21)

9. What does a good person leave for his or her grandchildren? (13:22)

10. How is Solomon's advice about accumulating wealth like or unlike any financial advice you have been given?

11. Why are people tempted by get-rich-quick schemes?

12. How do wise teachings turn a person from death?

13. Why does a good person leave an inheritance to his or her grandchildren?

14. What is one specific step you will take this week to guard what you say?

15. What do you want to change about the way you handle money?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Proverbs 10:1-32 Speak Truth

Proverbs 10:1-32 Speak Truth

1. Who was the last person to say something encouraging to you?

2. Why do you agree or disagree with the statement that the tongue can do as much harm as a gun?

3. How would you describe these proverbs? (10:1-32)

4. What are the rewards of diligence? laziness? (10:4-5)

5. How did Solomon compare the memory of the righteous and the wicked? (10:7)

6. What did Solomon say about the mouth of the righteous and the wicked? (10:11, 13, 14)

7. How are hatred and love different? (10:12)

8. What did Solomon say about the tongue, the lips, and words? (10:18-21, 31-32)

9. What is the way of the Lord for the righteous and the wicked? (10:29)

10. What does it mean to use our lips, mouth, tongue, and words wisely?

11. Why is it difficult for people to hold their tongue?

12. How can you nourish another person with your words?

13. How is God your refuge?

14. Who is someone you will nourish with a kind word today?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Proverbs 6- Warnings against Folly

Proverbs 1- Warnings against Folly
1. When was the last time you committed yourself to doing something without really thinking about it?

2. What do you think makes it hard to live a disciplined life-style in our society?

3. What title would you give to this chapter? (6:1-35)

4. What should we observe, and why? (6:6-8)

5. What happens to sluggards? (6:9-11)

6. What is detestable to the Lord? (6:17-19)

7. What should we do with our parents' commands and teachings? (6:20-22)

8. How did Solomon describe these commands and teachings? (6:23)

9. What is dangerous about lust? (6:24-29)

10. When and why are you tempted to make unwise commitments?

11. What can we learn from the ant?

12. What is the difference between laziness and leisure?

13. How can the teachings of parents guard and protect their children?

14. In what one area of your life will you make an effort to be more disciplined this week?