Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Philippians 1:27-30 Be Worthy of Christ

Philippians 1:27-30 Be Worthy of Christ

1. When you were younger what in-group, club or organisation did you want to belong to? Why?

2. What did Paul want the believers to do? (1:27-30)

3. What sort of conduct did Paul consider worthy of the gospel of

4. How did Paul tell the Philippians to face opposition? (1:27-30)

5. How did Paul encourage the Christians at Philippi? (1:29)

6. What had been granted to the Philippians on behalf of Christ? (29)

7. Have you ever suffered for Christ? If you have, describe the reason for your suffering. What was your attitude towards it?

8. What about your life-style do you most want to change in your desire to live for Christ?

9. Looking at your family, your church or your place of work, what could you do to increase the unity that is present? What effect would this have?

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