Monday, February 22, 2010

Studies and suggestions for Lent

Studies for Lent from the Melbourne Anglican Diocese (Australia)
1. 2010  Walking with Jesus through Lent (weekly group studies, Year C)   
Weekly studies using Year C Sunday Gospel readings plus Daily Studies for Holy Week based on the OT readings, with an introduction by Archbishop Freier. With background notes from a wide range of Melbourne Anglicans, and guidelines for reflecting on Scripture.

2. 2010 Walking with the Prophets through Lent (daily readings from the OT)
Daily readings using the daily OT readings for Lent. Invitations to reflect by Andrew McGowan, Peter Adam, Dorothy Lee, Barbara Deutschmann, David Williams, Andreas Löwe.

3. 2010 Leader’s Guide to Praying Scripture
Sections to help groups new to Scripture reflection using
lectio divina, Ignatian meditation, the African method used at the Lambeth conference, the Scripture Union method.

If you would like to try something different that will not only help you spiritually but might also help the planet try TEAR Fund’s Carbon Fast. Download from

Lent for the Non-Liturgical -from Christianity Today Magazine

The Empty Tomb and a Meaningful Life - Lenten Study series  (PDF)
from First Presbyterian Church San Diego. 

Luke 18:1-8 The Persistent Widow

Luke 18:1-8 - The Parable of the Persistent Widow

     1. In what circumstances is persistence beneficial?

     2. What was Jesus' purpose in telling His disciples this parable? (18:1)

     3. How did Jesus describe the judge in the story? (18:2)

     4. Why was the woman in the story especially helpless? (18:3)

     5. How will God's actions differ from those of the unjust judge? (18:7)

     6. How will God's actions differ from those of the unjust judge? (18:7)

     7. What promise does this parable offer to Christians? (18:8)

     8. Why do people stop praying?

     9. What does it mean to be persistent in our prayers?

     10. How can we be sure we are praying for things that are within the will of God?

     11. What justice do you need to see administered in your life or the lives of others?

     12. How can you guard against the temptation to give up praying when you do not see immediate results?

     13. What changes in your daily routine can you make that will enable you to pray more persistently?

     14. For what need or concern will you commit to praying persistently?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Luke 17:20-37 - Ready for Christ's Return

Luke 17:20-37 - Ready for Christ's Return

     1. What would you do if you were told you only had a few months left to live?

     2. What prompted Jesus to say, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation"? (17:20-21)

     3. What did Jesus tell His disciples they would long to see? (17:22)

     4. How did Jesus describe what the days of the Son of Man will be like? (17:24-30)

     5. What will happen to the person who attempts to keep his life? (17:33)

     6. What "phenomenon" will affect people on the day of the Son of Man? (17:34-35)

     7. What would gather where there is a dead body? (17:37)

     8. How would you describe your readiness for Christ's Second Coming?

     9. For what reason did Jesus warn, "Remember Lot's wife"?

     10. How does Jesus want us to view our earthly lives?

     11. Practically speaking, how could Jesus' teaching about losing your life make a difference in your daily routine?

     12. What people could you pray for this week who are still trying to keep their own life?

     13. How can you reaffirm your commitment to follow Jesus whatever the cost?

Luke 17:11-19 - Real Converts

Luke 17:11-19 - Real Converts

     1. What are you most thankful for ?

     2. How would you react if you were suddenly healed of a disease or sickness?

     3. Where did the events of this story take place? (17:11)

     4. What did the ten men want from Jesus? (17:13)

     5. What happened to the men as they went to show themselves to the priest? (17:14)

     6. How did one man express his thankfulness to Jesus? (17:15-16)

     7. How did Jesus respond to the one man who returned? (17:17-19)

     8. How does Jesus want you to respond to the work He performs in your life?

     9. When have you ever failed to thank the Lord for something He did for you?

     10. When is it difficult to say thank you to God?

     11. Why does God desire our praise?

     12. What should we do when we need physical or spiritual healing from the Lord?

     13. Why is faith necessary for spiritual healing?

     14. What will you praise the Lord more faithfully for this week that you have neglected to notice in the past?

     15. Who is one person you could tell today about the great things God has done for you?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Luke 17:1-10 Responsible Servants

Luke 17:1-10 Responsible Servants

     1. What makes it difficult to forgive a person who has wronged you?
     2. What did Jesus say about people who tempt others to sin? (17:1)

     3. What advice did Jesus give His disciples about how to react when others sin against them? (17:3-4)

     4. Why did the disciples think more faith would help them forgive in the way that Jesus instructed? (17:5)

     5. Why was Jesus' example of the mustard seed so startling? (17:6)

     6. In the parable, whom do the master and the servant represent? (17:7-9)

     7. What attitude should we have in working for the Lord? (17:10)

     8. What should you do if you discover that you have encouraged another believer to sin?

     9. When have you found it difficult to forgive someone?

     10. What is our "duty" as Christians?

     11. What attitudes and actions indicate a spirit of humility?

     12. What relationship can you work toward healing this week? How?

     13. What "duty" would the Lord urge you to fulfill this next week?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Luke 16:19-31 - The Rich Man and Lazarus

Luke 16:19-31 - The Rich Man and Lazarus

     1. What do you imagine heaven and hell will be like?

     2. How did Jesus describe the rich man in the story? (16:19)

     3. What does the story tell us about Lazarus? (16:20)

     4. What role did angels play in this story? (16:22)

     5. What difference did the rich man's wealth make in his eternal destiny? (16:22-23)

     6. What does this parable reveal about heaven and hell? (16:22-31)

     7. How did Abraham respond to the request of the rich man? (16:25)

     8. What was the other reason why Lazarus could not help the rich man? (16:26)

     9. Why did the rich man want Lazarus to go to his father's house on earth? (16:27-28)

     10. Why did Abraham say that Moses and the Prophets should be enough for the rich man's brothers? (16:29, 31)

     11. If Christians believe in the reality of hell, what do you think stops them from sharing their faith with others?

     12. What do you think prevents people from accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ?

     13. How does this story affect your understanding of the afterlife?

     14. What things do you think have eternal value?

     15. How would this Scripture passage encourage Christians who are sick, poor, or disadvantaged?

     16. How has this parable changed your attitude toward witnessing to unbelievers?

     17. In the next few days, how can you demonstrate your thankfulness to the Lord for His provision of eternal life?

     18. How many people like Lazarus do you know who could benefit from your compassion today?

Luke 16:16-18 - Additional Teachings

Luke 16:16-18 - Additional Teachings

     1. What attitudes does our culture have toward divorce?

     2. What two eras did John the Baptist's ministry divide? (16:16)

     3. What is easier than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law? (16:17)

     4. Why did Jesus emphasize the importance of the Law? (16:17)

     5. What relation does the section on divorce have to the previous verses about the Law? (16:18)

     6. How has Jesus' life changed the importance of the Law? (16:16-18)

     7. What difference does it make that Jesus' ministry was a perfect fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets?

     8. What should be our attitude toward divorce?

     9. How do you think Jesus would want you to treat Christians who are divorced?

     10. If you have been hypocritical in your strict adherence to the letter of the law, what can you do to increase your commitment to the spirit of the law?

     11. What can you do this week to renew your obedience to the commands of Jesus in your everyday life?

     12. What could you do to help a person who is experiencing marriage difficulties?