Monday, February 15, 2010

Luke 17:11-19 - Real Converts

Luke 17:11-19 - Real Converts

     1. What are you most thankful for ?

     2. How would you react if you were suddenly healed of a disease or sickness?

     3. Where did the events of this story take place? (17:11)

     4. What did the ten men want from Jesus? (17:13)

     5. What happened to the men as they went to show themselves to the priest? (17:14)

     6. How did one man express his thankfulness to Jesus? (17:15-16)

     7. How did Jesus respond to the one man who returned? (17:17-19)

     8. How does Jesus want you to respond to the work He performs in your life?

     9. When have you ever failed to thank the Lord for something He did for you?

     10. When is it difficult to say thank you to God?

     11. Why does God desire our praise?

     12. What should we do when we need physical or spiritual healing from the Lord?

     13. Why is faith necessary for spiritual healing?

     14. What will you praise the Lord more faithfully for this week that you have neglected to notice in the past?

     15. Who is one person you could tell today about the great things God has done for you?

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