Monday, February 8, 2010

Luke 17:1-10 Responsible Servants

Luke 17:1-10 Responsible Servants

     1. What makes it difficult to forgive a person who has wronged you?
     2. What did Jesus say about people who tempt others to sin? (17:1)

     3. What advice did Jesus give His disciples about how to react when others sin against them? (17:3-4)

     4. Why did the disciples think more faith would help them forgive in the way that Jesus instructed? (17:5)

     5. Why was Jesus' example of the mustard seed so startling? (17:6)

     6. In the parable, whom do the master and the servant represent? (17:7-9)

     7. What attitude should we have in working for the Lord? (17:10)

     8. What should you do if you discover that you have encouraged another believer to sin?

     9. When have you found it difficult to forgive someone?

     10. What is our "duty" as Christians?

     11. What attitudes and actions indicate a spirit of humility?

     12. What relationship can you work toward healing this week? How?

     13. What "duty" would the Lord urge you to fulfill this next week?

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