Monday, December 8, 2008

Galatians 5:16-26 - Gods Gift of Joy

Galatians 5:16-26 - Gods Gift of Joy

1. What do you really like about yourself?

2. What would happen if the Galatians lived by the power of the Holy Spirit? (5:16)

3. How could the Galatian Christians lead godly lives? (5:18)

4. What religious sins does the sinful nature produce? (5:20)

5. What societal evils come from our sinful nature? (5:20-21)

6. What happens to a Christian who is under the control of the Holy Spirit? (5:22-23)

7. How is a Christian empowered to live by the Spirit? (5:24-25)

8. What did Paul tell the Galatian Christians not to do? (5:26)

9. Why do Christians tend to excuse the behavior of their old nature?

10. In what sense do love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control grow in a person much the way fruit grows on a tree?

11. How do you see the character of the Holy Spirit growing in your life?

12. What can you do this week to nurture the character of the Holy Spirit in your life?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Baskets

A great idea for an end of year small group activity. One small group at our church put together a number of "Christmas baskets". The group members brought along wrapping paper, recycled baskets, food, gifts, and some toys. The baskets were filled with gifts and then covered with cellophane and a gift card attached. These baskets were then distributed to folk who have been through a difficult time or who would appreciate some encouragement. The little note attached simply said: "Please accept this gift from a St Alfred's small group. Christmas blessing to you!" Most of the baskets were delivered anonymously.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ending Small Groups

Does every small group have a distinct life cycle?
Every small group has a beginning, a middle and an end. We hear a lot about starting small groups and helping the group to establish trust. But planning for the end of a group is seldom discussed. Each small group needs to be helped to have a realistic understanding that the group is going to end. Both ends of the life cycle need an equal amount of attention.
What do group members need to know to prepare for their group finishing?
People often think that if something is really good it will continue. If the group is helpful and beneficial to those in it, the group will grow. But when a group begins to plateau and some members are increasingly absent, often group members feel guilty… they feel that the group has failed. Group members need to be aware that this point will come regardless of how successful or unsuccessful they have been. Leaders need to be aware upfront of the fact that there will always be groups dying and groups being born.
What problems occur when a group is not prepared for termination?
If you don’t help people deal with the loss of their group, then they may be emotionally blocked from going into a new group experience.
What is a healthy way to help a group come to termination?
Before ending a group the members need to tell their stories. They need to give thanks where thanks is due and to identify and discuss significant experiences of Christian growth or new understanding that have taken place within the group. They need to talk about how the group has left its mark on them.

# A Blessing Exercise ( When Finishing Your Group)
Before a group disbands, it is important that there be healthy closure. Jacob told the angel, “ I will not let you go until you bless me.” When your group discontinues ( as every group will sooner or later), you are –in fact—letting go of one another. Some of the ways you might “bless” one another include:
Prayer. Each member of the group might offer a special prayer for each of the others, such as, “My prayer for you is…” or” May God grant you …”
Forgiveness: In some ways a blessing is a way of saying. “Maybe we have disappointed each other. Maybe we have not met each other’s expectations. And I let you go so that you are free.” this might require forgiving old wrongs and putting your house in order.
Encouragement and affirmation. Often groups finish because members are beginning to wrestle and respond to new calls. Part of blessing is to help people explore these new callings … to help people make decisions and take the next step. They need to move on in their journey with your affirmation and encouragement.

Matthew 5:13-16 - God's Gift of Purpose

Matthew 5:13-16 - God's Gift of Purpose

1. What are the top five moral problems our country is facing?

2. How did Jesus imply that a Christian's positive influence can wane or disappear? (5:13)

3. How are we like light? (5:14)

4. According to Jesus, how exactly are Christians to be like lamps? (5:16)

5. If believers live as they are supposed to live, how will others respond toward God? (5:16)

6. What did Jesus mean when He called His followers salt?

7. How can a Christian lose his or her saltiness?

8. How might a believer hide his or her light?

9. What does light reveal?

10. In light of your gifts, abilities, and interests, what specific problem in our world can you counteract as a representative of Christ?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Psalm 33:1-22

Psalm 33:1-22
1. In what ways are you more schedule-oriented or spontaneous?

2. How does this psalm call people to praise the Lord? (33:1-3)

3. What main theme unifies this psalm? (33:1-22)

4. For what specific reasons did the psalm writer praise God? (33:4-19)

5. What character traits did the psalm writer ascribe to the Lord? (33:4-22)

6. How has the Lord demonstrated His creativity? (33:6-9)

7. How reliable are the plans of people in relation to God's plans? (33:10-11)

8. How is the Lord involved in the lives of His people? (33:13-15, 18-19)

9. What conclusion does this psalm make about self-reliance? (33:16-19)

10. What decision did the psalm writer make? (33:20-22)

11. Why do you think we so easily rely on our own strength rather than trust in the Lord?

12. What does this psalm teach us about the character of God?

13. What talents or abilities do you have?

14. In what area of life do you most need to "wait in hope for the Lord"?

15. What words of encouragement or instruction can you give to someone else concerning his or her future?

Monday, November 17, 2008

2 Chronicles 31:2-21 - Saying Thank You

2 Chronicles 31:2-21 - Saying Thank You

1. What have been the results of projects on which you have worked wholeheartedly?

2. What were the duties of the various divisions of priests and Levites as assigned by Hezekiah? (31:2)

3. How did Hezekiah make sure that the priests and Levites had time to do their jobs properly? (31:4)

4. What was the response of the people when Hezekiah called on them to bring the required portion of their wealth for the support of the priests? (31:5-7)

5. How did Hezekiah and his officials respond to the generosity of the people? (31:8)

6. What sort of distribution system was developed to get the provisions to all of the priests? (31:14-15)

7. Whose needs were provided through the administrators of the offerings? (31:16-19)

8. What qualities characterized all of Hezekiah's actions as king, especially in relation to the temple worship? (31:20-21)

9. What response on the part of the people indicated that the revival that took place during the Passover celebration was a lasting change of heart for many of the people?

10. Why is it appropriate to praise God when His people give generously?

11. What was the source of Hezekiah's guidance for these ambitious projects?

12. How can you say thank you to God for the work His people do?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Small Group Covenant

Because life in a small group
  • brings special responsibilities as well as privileges;
  • thrives in an environment characterised by unconditional love and care;
  • provides a unique opportunity of members to grow in spiritual maturity, relationships with one another, and service.

Believing that this is God’s will for the group, I will endeavour to:
  1. be committed to the group and to our meetings together.
  2. be open and honest.
  3. listen to others in the group.
  4. regard as confidential all that is shared in group meetings and so foster trust.
  5. encourage all members of the group in their walk with God and in developing their gifts in His service.
  6. be open to God’s leading, to listen to and to seek to obey Him.
  7. be outward looking.
  8. be compassionate towards those in need outside the group.
  9. pray for other group members regularly.
My commitment to this covenant will be for 11 months.
A review will be held in December...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Small Group Goals

Small Group Goals
  • To grow in your relationship with God so that it becomes deeper,stronger and more exciting.
  • To experience a loving, caring, supportive and healing community of friends.
  • To experience the excitement and challenges of growing in your faith with others (getting "stretched" is much more bearable when done with others!)
  • Learn more about your spiritual gifts, and provide an opportunity to use them to serve others.
  • To learn to relate the word of God personally and practically to everyday life.
  • To reach out to other members in your group to bless, encourage and care for them.
  • With others in your group, reach our in practical ways to touch the local community and wider world with the love of God.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Romans 12:1-8 - Living Sacrifices

Romans 12:1-8 - Living Sacrifices

1. What influences have significantly shaped your life?

2. What is the most reasonable response to God's great mercy? (12:1-2)

3. How is the Christian to be different from unbelieving people? (12:2)

4. What facts should keep a person from feeling superior or inferior to other Christians? (12:3-6)

5. What did Paul use the human body to illustrate? (12:4-5)

6. What are the gifts of God? (12:6-8)

7. How should each person use his or her gifts? (12:6-8)

8. What makes offering our bodies as living sacrifices an act of worship?

9. To what worldly life-styles or values do we typically conform?

10. How can a Christian renew his or her mind?

11. How can the gifts God bestows on Christians help others in the church or community?

12. What is one step you can take this week toward eliminating habits that merely conform to the world's pattern?

13. How can you put a spiritual gift to work for others this week?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Psalm 105:1-45 Celebrate Together

Psalm 105:1-45 Celebrate Together

1. How do you feel when you look at old photo albums or record books of your past?

2. What specific instructions does this psalm give to God's people? (105:1-4)

3. What is the main idea of this passage? (105:1-45)

4. How did the Lord demonstrate His faithfulness to Israel? (105:8-41)

5. What conclusion did the psalm writer draw from his meditation on God's goodness? (105:42-45)

6. What specific instructions are given to us in this passage?

7. How should we respond to God's goodness?

8. Why should we tell others about what God has done for us?

9. How could you keep a record of God's faithfulness to you?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Every Day - Lamentations 3:19-39

Lamentations 3:19-39

1. If you were to portray pain and suffering through poetry, music, or painting, which one medium would you choose? Why?

2. What did the poet recall? (3:19-21)

3. In the middle of lamenting the siege and destruction of Jerusalem, what profound assurance did the writer express? (3:22-24)

4. What virtues were affirmed by the author? (3:25-27)

5. How was God's mercy revealed in suffering? (3:28-33)

6. How did the writer describe the nature of God's knowledge? (3:37-38)

7. What did the writer say about sin and suffering? (3:39)

8. What do you know about the mercies of God in the middle of difficulty?

9. Why does relying on God give you hope?

10. What message of hope can we offer to people who are in despair?

11. When can you spend some time in prayer to thank the Lord for His faithfulness and acts of mercy in your life?

Read Zechariah 4:1-14

12. What was the explanation given concerning the golden lampstand and the two olive trees? (4:1-14)

13. What ministry project are you involved in that you would like to see completed?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Be a Servant

Suffering and Glory of the Servant
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 -
1. What kinds of human suffering are particularly abhorrent and difficult for you to watch?

2. What are the different ways in which a person might attract a following?

3. How did God, through Isaiah's prophecy, characterize the actions of the coming Servant? (52:13)

4. Why was it necessary for a righteous servant to be the bearer of sins?

5. What opposite reactions would people have to the Messiah before and after His suffering? (52:14-15)

6. What sufferings of Jesus (such as those described in Luke 23:1-56) were foretold in Isaiah 53?

7. What was unbelievable about the message of God's chosen deliverance? (53:1-3)

8. What would actually be happening when people were assuming that God was punishing Jesus? (53:4)

9. What would the wounds of the Messiah accomplish for all believers? (53:5)

10. What has God done with the sin of each human being? (53:6)

11. How did Isaiah say that the Messiah would respond to mistreatment and suffering? (53:7)

12. What was God's will in relation to the life of His Son? (53:10)

13. Why did Isaiah say that the Messiah would be exalted and "divide the spoils"? (53:12)

14. What one goal for your relationship with God can you work on in the coming weeks by contemplating His sacrifice for you?

Don't Forget

Don't Forget
Deuteronomy 8

1. What is one thing you tend to be forgetful about?

2. How did the Lord humble the Israelites? (8:3-4)

3. How does God discipline us? (8:5)

4. Why did God want Israel to remember His commands? (8:6-9)

5. How was Israel told not to forget God? (8:10-14)

6. What was Israel commanded to remember about God? (8:17-20)

7. What is the relationship between forgetfulness and responsibility?

8. How do you feel when you have to keep reminding people to do things?

9. What does this section of Scripture teach you about remembering God?

10. What can we humbly give to God for all the blessings He gives us?

11. What is a practical way you can remember God in all you do this week?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Join In

Join In
Exodus 19:1-9

1. Why do people put up No Trespassing signs?

2. When did the Israelites arrive at the Desert of Sinai? (19:1)

3. What did God tell Moses from the mountain? (19:3-6)

4. How did Moses respond to God's instructions? (19:7)

5. What types of limitations do certain institutions have on our lives?

6. Why does God place certain limitations on our lives?

7. What is one practical way you can follow God's direction for your life?

1 Peter 2:9-10

8. What status did Peter ascribe to believers in Christ? (2:9)

9. What is your ethnic heritage and how has it influenced you?

10. How does our past compare with our present condition? (2:10)

11. How does being chosen by God for a special task make you feel?

12. What are the implications of believers being a chosen people, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Be a Blessing

Be a Blessing
Read Genesis 12:1-3

1. What is a significant promise that you have made or that someone has made to you?

2. What did the Lord tell Abram to do? ( Gen 12:1)

3. What did the Lord promise to do for Abram? (Gen 12:2-3)

4. How would you describe the promise the Lord made to Abram? (Genesis 12:1-3)

5. How do you memorialize your significant experiences with God?

Read Galatians 3:3-9

6. Why did Paul ask the Galatians if their suffering had been for nothing? (3:4)

7. On what basis did the Holy Spirit perform miracles? (3:5)

8. How did Paul's use of Abraham as an example of faith strike a blow to the champions of the Law? (3:6-8)

9. What is your relationship to Abraham?

10. What has Christ done for you?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Living Stones - 1 Peter 2:4-12

1 Peter 2:4-12 - The Living Stone and a Chosen People

1. What is something that is very precious to you?

2. How did God and people treat the living Stone (Christ) differently? (2:4)

3. What will happen to those who trust in the "Cornerstone"? (2:6)

4. How was Christ treated differently by believers and unbelievers? (2:7)

5. In what way did the "Stone" (Christ) cause some people to stumble? (2:8)

6. How does our past compare with our present condition? (2:10)

7. Why is it important for believers to live good lives? (2:12)

8. How is Christ still being rejected by people today? Why?

9. How does being chosen by God for a special task make you feel?

10. What are the implications of believers being a chosen people, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation?

11. Why is it so hard to abstain from sinful desires?

12. How do you need to change your plans for the near future so that you will be an example to the unbelievers with whom you have regular contact?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Nehemiah 13:1-31 - God's People Must Persevere

Nehemiah 13:1-31 - God's People Must Persevere

1. How good are you at keeping promises?

2. What are the indications in this chapter that the Israelites have slipped away from obeying God?

3. What did the Israelites discover when they read the Book of Moses at the celebration? (13:1-2)

4. What did the people do in response to what they discovered in the Book of Moses? (13:3)

5. What evil deed had Eliashib the priest done? (13:4-5)

6. How did Nehemiah react to Eliashib's sin? (13:7-9)

7. What had forced the Levites to return to their own fields? (13:10)

8. How did Nehemiah choose the men to put in charge of the storerooms? (13:13)

9. Of what sins were the people of Israel guilty? (13:15-16, 23-24)

10. Who has helped keep you accountable in your Christian walk?

11. What does this story reveal about the attitude we should have toward worshiping God?

12. In what ways should our treatment of the Sabbath differ from Old Testament law?

13. How would you like others to help you in dealing with your own sin?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Nehemiah 11:1-12:47 God's People Celebrate a New Beginning

Nehemiah 11:1-12:47 God's People Celebrate a New Beginning

1. How do you like to spend your weekends?

2. How did Israel celebrate the completion of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem? (12:27-47)

3. What has the Lord done in your life recently that motivates you to praise Him?

4. What does Nehemiah teach us through his example in choosing leaders?

5. What role did prayer play in Nehemiah's life?

6. Who has helped keep you accountable in your Christian walk?

7. How do you need to change your actions or attitudes toward church or worship?

8. When can you take time to pray each day this week?

9. Who is one person who could help keep you accountable in your spiritual life?

Monday, August 25, 2008

Nehemiah 10:1-40 God's People Obey God

Nehemiah 10:1-40 God's People Obey God

1. When is a written contract important?

2. Why did the people of Israel want to make a binding agreement? (9:38)

3. Why did the people separate themselves from their neighbors? (10:28)

4. With what general oath did the people bind themselves? (10:29)

5. What were the specifics of the oath between God and the people of Israel? (10:30-39)

6. What offerings did the people promise to give to the Lord? (10:32-33)

7. Why was it necessary to cast lots? (10:34)

8. In what ways did the people promise to care for the priests and the temple? (10:34-39)

9. What prompted the Israelites to renew their commitment to God?

10. When have difficult circumstances in your life motivated you to seek the Lord?

11. How can it be helpful to write a declaration of commitment to God?

12. What methods can we use to keep ourselves accountable to the promises we make to the Lord?

13. How can we demonstrate thankfulness to the Lord for His forgiveness?

14. Who can help you be accountable to stay true to your intentions to serve God?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Nehemiah 9:1-38 - God's People Confess

Nehemiah 9:1-38 - God's People Confess

1. What's something you've learned the hard way despite clear warnings from others?

2. What specific steps did the people take to restore their relationship with the Lord? (9:1-3)

3. What role did the Levites play in this event? (9:4-5)

4. Why did the Levites offer praise to God? (9:5-15)

5. What were some of the ways God provided for and protected the people of Israel? (9:5-15)

6. According to the Levites, why did the Lord keep His promises? (9:8)

7. What mistake did Israel's forefathers make? (9:16-17)

8. Why did the Lord allow Israel to be oppressed by their enemies? (9:26-27)

9. What request did the Levites present to the Lord? (9:32-36)

10. What sinful pattern did Israel repeat?

11. Why is it our tendency to remember God only in the good times?

12. If you wrote a passage about your own history of walking with the Lord, what themes would you see?

13. When can fasting and praying be beneficial?

14. How does remembering God's provision for you in the past encourage you?

15. What should we do to restore our relationship with the Lord whenever we realize we have been acting selfishly?

16. When can you take some time this week for confession and recommitment to obeying God?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nehemiah 8:1-18 - God's people Celebrate God's Word

Nehemiah 8:1-18 - God's people Celebrate God's Word

1। When or in what circumstances do you find it easy to be enthusiastic about what you are doing?

2. Why did the people of Israel assemble at the Water Gate? (8:1)

3. What attitude did the people of Israel have toward the Book of the Law? (8:3, 6, 9, 17)

4। What specific steps did Ezra and the other leaders take to make this event practical for everyone? (8:5-8)

5. Why did the leaders declare the day sacred? (8:9)

6. What words of encouragement did Nehemiah offer the people of Israel? (8:10)

7. How had the events of this day changed the lives of the people of Israel? (8:12)

8. What specific instructions did the leaders glean from the Book of the Law? (8:14-15)

9. In what specific ways are Israel's actions in this passage a good model for us today?

10. As Christians what reasons do we have to celebrate?

11. How should we follow the example of the leaders of Israel in this story?

12. What prompts you to praise and worship the Lord?

13. How can we guard against apathy toward God's Word?

14. What specific changes do you want to make in your Bible reading habits this week?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Nehemiah 6:1-14 - God's Place Rebuilt

Nehemiah 6:1-14 - God's Place Rebuilt

1. When have you ever felt intimidated by someone, and how did it make you feel?

2. What would you tell a child who was being picked on by a bully?

3. What are some of the efforts at intimidation found in this chapter?

4. If you had been Nehemiah what would your reaction have been?

5. What was different about the fifth time Sanballat sent the message to Nehemiah? (6:5-7)

6. What did Nehemiah's opponents assume would be the result of their threats? (6:9)

7. What did Nehemiah think of Shemaiah's advice?
What insight did the Lord give to Nehemiah regarding Shemaiah's advice? (6:11,12)

8. Why didn't Nehemiah back down as his opponents wanted? (6:12-13)

9. What basic principles did Nehemiah follow when he faced opposition?

10. When do you think it is important to fight back, and when is it better to back down?

11. What opposition do you face in your Christian walk?

12. How can we discern insincerity or dishonesty when we see it?

13. To what task or project do you want to recommit your efforts?

14. What specific steps can you take to strengthen your commitment to the responsibilities God has given you?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Nehemiah 5:1-19 - God's People Challenged

Nehemiah 5:1-19 - God's People Challenged

1. What are some reasons people choose not to get involved in social issues?

2. What is the conflict between some of the Jews at the beginning of this story? (5:1-5)

3. What caused the Israelites' problems? (5:3-5)

4. How did Nehemiah react to the Israelites' complaints? (5:6)

5. What accusations did Nehemiah make against the officials? (5:7-11)

6. What action did Nehemiah take on behalf of the Israelites? (5:7-18)

7. How did the officials respond to Nehemiah's accusations? Why? (5:8, 12)

8. In what ways was Nehemiah different from other officials? (5:14-18)

9. What did Nehemiah want in return for his generosity to the Israelites? (5:19)

10. Why do you think Nehemiah sacrificed what he rightfully deserved as a governor?

11. How would you like to contribute to solving a particular social problem that concerns you?

12. What could you do today to encourage a friend who is struggling or hurting?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Nehemiah 3:1-32 God directs and protects

Nehemiah 3:1-32 God directs and protects

1। When have you most enjoyed working with a team of people?

2. How did the priests set the example for all the Israelites? (3:1)

3. What does the priests' dedication of their work reveal about their motivation? (3:1)

4. What kinds of people were involved in rebuilding Jerusalem? (3:1-32)

5. What does the wide spectrum of people involved reveal about the Israelites' commitment to this project? (3:1-32)

6. Keeping in mind the practical reason for the restoration of the city, why was most of the rebuilding focused on the gates? (3:1-32)

7. Why did the common people of Tekoa have to do double-duty work in rebuilding the walls of the city? (3:5, 27)

8. How did the Israelites decide who would rebuild what? (3:10, 28, 30)

9. What effect do you think this accomplishment had on the people involved?

10. How can you guard against the conceited attitude of the nobles of Tekoa?

11. What does this passage reveal about the best way to accomplish an overwhelming task?

12. What overwhelming challenge do you face?

13. What should we do whenever we finish a big project or experience success?

14. What steps can you take this week to depend on God and others to help you face the challenges in your life?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Nehemiah 2:1-10 - God gives success

Nehemiah 2:1-10 - God gives success

1. How would you go about asking a big favor of a boss or other influential person?

2. What techniques do people often use to cope with fear?

3. At what time did this story take place? (2:1)

4. How had Nehemiah acted in the king's presence in the past? (2:1)

5. What did the king ask Nehemiah? (2:2)

6. What did Nehemiah have to overcome to give the king an honest answer? (2:2-3)

7. What did Nehemiah do before he told the king what he wanted? (2:4)

8। Why did Nehemiah ask that letters be sent to the governors of Trans-Euphrates? ( 2:7)

9. How did Nehemiah explain the generosity of the king? (2:8)

10. Who was disturbed by Nehemiah's actions? Why? (2:10)

11. How would you describe Nehemiah's actions in this situation?

12. How did Nehemiah demonstrate his dependence on God?

13. What fears do you need to overcome?

14। What can you learn from Nehemiah about the role prayer should play in your everyday life?

15. What specific problem do you want to confront with greater courage this week?

Monday, June 30, 2008

Nehemiah 1:1-11 - God begins the project

Nehemiah 1:1-11 - God begins the project

1 If you were going through a painful experience, what would you want your friends to do for you?

2. When did the events of this passage take place? (1:1)

3. Why did Nehemiah question his brother? (1:1-2)

4. How did Nehemiah react to the news about Jerusalem and the exiles? (1:4)

5. How did Nehemiah describe God in his prayer? (1:5)

6. What is the major theme of Nehemiah's prayer? (1:5-11)

7. What promise of the Lord could the Israelites claim, according to Nehemiah? (1:9)

8. How did Nehemiah describe the people of Israel in his prayer? (1:10)

9. What specific request did Nehemiah ask God to grant him? (1:11)

10. What admirable traits do you see demonstrated by Nehemiah?

11. What did Nehemiah's prayer accomplish?

12. How do you think you need to change your prayer habits?

13. What can we learn from Nehemiah's example about how to deal with disappointment?

14. How do you plan to react differently to setbacks from now on?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Luke 14:15-24 - God's Invitation

Luke 14:15-24 - God's Invitation

1. What kinds of excuses do you most resent others using?

2. How does it feel when you plan a big event and it is poorly attended?

3. What was one person prompted to say when Jesus spoke of repayment for kindness to others? (14:15)

4. How did the man let his guests know that the time for the banquet had arrived? (14:17)
5. What excuses did people make? (14:18-20)

6. How did the master find out about the excuses? (14:21)

7. What happened when all the other people came to the master's banquet? (14:22)

8. How did the master ensure that the banquet hall would be full? (14:23)

9. What was to become of the original guests? (14:24)

10. What was wrong with the guests' excuses?

11. How did the character of the banquet change, given the "new" guest list?

12. How is the kingdom of God like this banquet?

13. How does our responsibility to God correspond to the servant's role?

14. Whom can you invite to the kingdom banquet? How?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Luke 13:22-30 - Who will Jesus save?

Luke 13:22-30 - Who will Jesus save?

1. In what areas of life do you tend to procrastinate?

2. What was Jesus doing on His way to Jerusalem? (13:22)

3. According to Jesus, what is worth every effort to accomplish? (13:24)

4. What happens once the door is shut? (13:25)

5। How will the owner of the house respond to those who want to go in after the door is shut? (13:25)

6. How successful will attempts to enter the house be after the door is shut? (13:27)

7. What will those who cannot enter hear and see? (13:28)

8. How will the usual order be turned around? (13:30)

9. What does the narrow door represent?

10. In what sense is the way to God narrow?

11. Who is the "owner of the house," and why will he refuse entry to people?

12. Why do people put off coming to God?

13. When are you tempted to put off responding to God's commands?

14. What was Jesus saying about human relationships when He said that the first will be last?

15. What can you do this week toward introducing someone to Jesus? How?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Luke 13:10-17 - Delighted to heal

Luke 13:10-17 - Delighted to heal

1. What rules about Sunday have you heard?

2. When was Jesus teaching in one of the synagogues? (13:10)

3. Whom did Jesus see in the synagogue? (13:11)

4. What led to the crippled woman's healing? (13:12-13)

5. Why was the synagogue ruler indignant? (13:14)

6. What example did Jesus give to justify His healing of the woman? (13:15-16)

7. How did different people react to what had happened? (13:17)

8. How did the Jewish leader view the Sabbath?

9. What do you think the crippled woman expected?

10. What restrictions do we foolishly put on God's work?

11. What opportunities to free others from physical or emotional pain do you know about?

12. What self-imposed rule or tradition do you need to modify to allow for God's work?

13. How can you help or comfort a person in pain this week?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Social ideas for Small Groups

Social ideas for Small Groups
From time to time your small group might like to run a social activity to help new members get to know each other and to build friendship.
1. Quiet games - Pictionary, Scrabble or other board games.
2. Active games - volleyball, basketball, scavenger hunts.
3. Group outings- picnics, BBQ's bowling, pizza, movies, concerts, cultural experiences, progressive dinners.
4. Meals together- pot luck, international food, dessert & coffee night.
5. Parties and celebrations - Christmas parties, group anniversaries, special birthdays, "green" night (everyone wears something green) hat night etc...
6. Service/ outreach/ mission projects. Volunteer gardening, painting, house moving...
7. Group discussions- choose a topic and some questions that allows the group to get to know each other member in a deeper way.
8. Group camp, Group retreat ( sometimes combine with another group). A day camp.

Luke 13:1-9 - Get right with God

Luke 13:1-9 - Get right with God

1. What have been some of your frustrating experiences with gardening?

2. What did Jesus hear about a group of Galileans? (13:1)

3. What explanation for the tragedy did Jesus propose? (13:2)

4. How did Jesus reply to His own question? (13:3)

5. What was the story involving the tower of Siloam? (13:4)

6. What were Jesus' listeners to learn from the two stories? (13:3-5)

7. In the parable, what did the man seek from his fig tree? (13:6)

8. Why did the man want the fig tree chopped down? (13:7)

9. What did the vineyard tender suggest? (13:8-9)

10. Why do we often assume that people suffer because they are uniquely bad?

11. What can we do to keep from judging people by their circumstances?

12. What did Jesus mean by His warning, "But unless you repent, you too will all perish"?

13. What second chances have you been given?

14. What does God want us to do?

15. What godly characteristic do you want to focus your attention on this week? How?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Luke 12:54-59 - Judge what is right

Luke 12:54-59 - Judge what is right

1. What various interpretations have been offered to explain the dramatic world events of the last few years?

2. What did a cloud in the west mean to Jesus' audience? (12:54)

3. What name did Jesus call the crowd? (12:56)

4. What did Jesus want His audience to do? (12:57)

5. What could be the consequences if people did not settle their differences? (12:58-59)

6. What accounted for the crowd's inability to interpret the signs of Jesus' time?

7. How does God communicate with us today?

8. When has God given you a sign that you should do something?

9. How is the "out of court" settlement better than a judge's decision?

10. What spiritual discipline can you work on to help you listen to God's Word?

11. What relationship can you work to reconcile this week?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Try writing to aid worship

Sometimes it's helpful to collect our thoughts and write them down. The leader asks the group to think over the last day or two. Then to list things for which they are thankful. Share their list with the group. Have members lead in prayer as they praise God with what they have written. Also write letters of gratitude to God; share parts of them; pray them conversationally back to God.

Creative writing can also be a help in worship. Give group members time to write a poem, song or psalm. Read them to each other as an introduction to worship.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Luke 12:49-53 - Jesus: the great divider

Luke 12:49-53 - Jesus: the great divider
1. What causes family members to turn against each other?

2. What did Jesus come to bring? (12:49)

3. How did Jesus feel about the baptism He would undergo? (12:50)

4. In what way did Jesus indicate that division would affect everyone until He returned? (12:51)

5. Where would the division that Jesus brings be noticed? (12:52-53)

6. Why did Jesus wish that the "fire . . . were already kindled"?

7. In what way did Jesus bring division?

8. How common is the view that Jesus came to bring peace on earth?

9. Over what issues are any of your relatives divided?

10. Over what issues should we be willing to divide?

11. What can you do to prepare for clashes over your beliefs?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Luke 12:35-48 - Get Ready

Luke 12:35-48 - Get Ready

1. What is it like to wait for someone without knowing when he or she is coming?

2. According to Jesus, what are the two traits of the one who is ready? (12:35)

3. What did the men in the story do when their master returned? (12:36)

4. What happened to the servants who were watching properly? (12:37)

5. How long should the servants have been willing to wait? (12:38)

6. When do important things often happen? (12:39-40)

7. How did Jesus reply to Peter's question? (12:42)

8. What distinguished the faithful and wise manager? (12:42-44)

9. How did some servants handle responsibilities in their masters' absence? (12:45)

10. What happened to the servants who acted out of ignorance? (12:48)

11. How are "watching" and "waiting" used throughout this passage?

12. Why is watchfulness not a passive activity?

13. How should we act while waiting for Jesus to return?

14. How much have we, individually and collectively, been given and entrusted with?

15. What is one area of need in your church or among other Christians that you can serve?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Luke 12:22-34 - Don't Worry

Luke 12:22-34 - Don't Worry

1. What do people you know tend to worry about?

2. Why did Jesus start talking about worry? (12:22)

3. What is more important than food or clothes? (12:23)

4. What are we to learn from birds? (12:24)

5. What does worrying accomplish? (12:25-26)

6. What do flowers teach us? (12:27-28)

7. What does worry about clothes indicate about us? (12:28)

8. On what basis are we not to worry? (12:30)

9. How did Jesus continue with the Father-child analogy? (12:32)

10. What goes with treasure in heaven? (12:34)

11. What situations bring out the worrier in you?

12. What has worrying done for you?

13. When have you seen the truth that God knows your needs and meets them?

14. What is the connection between seeking God's kingdom and the Father giving us the kingdom?

15. What step can you take this week to share your earthly treasures with others?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Acts 2:1-13 - The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost

Acts 2:1-13 - The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost

1. If you could speak another language fluently, which one would you choose? Why?

2. What was celebrated on the day of Pentecost? (2:1)

3. What did the followers of Christ hear and see? (2:2-3)

4. What was the importance of the wind and fire? (2:2-4)

5. Who was staying in Jerusalem? (2:5)

6. How did the God-fearing Jews visiting Jerusalem react when they heard Christians speaking their languages? (2:6-11)

7. What was the topic of conversation among the crowds? (2:11)

8. Besides being amazed, how did the crowd react to the unusual happening they witnessed? (2:12-13)
9. Why is the coming of the Spirit associated with wind, fire, and different languages?

10. What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

11. How could your church benefit from greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit?

12. How can we cultivate sensitivity to the Holy Spirit?

13. What can you do each day to invite the Holy Spirit to use you?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fun ideas for eating together

Sharing a meal together helps people socailize in a casual way and gives them time to build relationships in a casual and unhurried atmosphere. It's also a great way for group small group members and their whole family to be involved. Keep it simple and have fun.
Some suggestions-
1. Pot luck dinner ( easy to organise and fun because no-one knows what anyone else will bring).
2. Fish & Chips at the beach or favourite park.
3. International food night )Mexican, Italian, Chinese...) Everyone brings a different dish to share.
4. Dessert and coffee night (simple and very yummy).
5. Pink Night ( or green etc...) Pick a theme colour. Pink tablecloth, pink drinks, everyone wears pink, strawberry ice-cream. etc... Get the children involved with ideas.
6. Celebrate a Passover meal together.
7. Make your own pizzas and play some board games together.
8. Progressive dinner. (Eat at the homes of different group members for different courses).
9. Choose a special occasion to celebrate. (Someone's birthday, graduation, public holiday...)
10. Invite another small group to share a meal together.
11. Have a BBQ and each person brings a neigbour or friend.
These ideas are just for starters. Why not talk about as a group and plan an " eating together" night soon?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Luke 12:13-21 - Eat, Drink and be Merry

Luke 12:13-21 - Eat, Drink and be Merry

1. Over what did you and your siblings fight when you were growing up?

2. Against what did Jesus warn the crowd? Why? (12:13-15)

3. What was the rich man's dilemma in the parable? (12:16-17)

4. What did the man decide to do about his bumper crop? (12:18)

5. How did the rich man view his possessions and good fortune? (12:19)

6. What would become of the man's abundance? (12:20)

7. To whom did Jesus apply His teaching about greed? (12:21)

8. What signs of greed can show up in a person's life?

9. What parts of the parable make you uncomfortable?

10. How is it possible to be rich toward God?

11. With which of your possessions do you want to be more generous? How can you?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Luke 12:1-12 Safe Forever

Luke 12:1-12 - Safe Forever

1. What individuals or groups are most feared in our society?

2. What was the crowd like? (12:1)

3. What contrasts did Jesus use to prepare the disciples for the future? (12:2-3)

4. What did Jesus say His disciples should and should not fear? (12:4-5)

5. What proofs of God's care did Jesus offer to His disciples? (12:6-7)

6. How was the disciples' loyalty to Jesus linked to Jesus' loyalty to them? (12:8-9)

7. What was to happen to those who speak against the Son of Man? (12:10)

8. How much were the disciples to prepare for their encounters with religious and political authorities? (12:11)

9. How does the possibility of persecution make you feel?

10. What does the imagery about the sparrows and hairs say to us?

11. What situations tempt people not to acknowledge Jesus before others?

12. What is it about blaspheming against the Holy Spirit that makes it unforgivable?

13. How can you pray for those who suffer for their relationship with God?

Monday, April 7, 2008

James 5:13-20 How To Pray About Your Problems

How To Pray About Your Problems
James 5:13-20
1. What are some of the most memorable moments of your life?

2. What should a person do when he or she is in trouble? Why? (5:13, 15)

3. What should a person do when he or she is happy? Why? (5:13, 15)

4. Why is prayer important? (5:15)

5. What are the elders of the church to do for someone who is sick? Why? (5:14-15)

6. How can a person have his or her sins forgiven? (5:15)

7. What is the effect of a righteous person's prayers? (5:16)

8. Who is a good example of how God answers prayer? How? (5:17-18)

9. What is a Christian's responsibility toward a fellow believer who has wandered away from the truth? (5:19)

10. What is the benefit of helping a person get back into following the truth? (5:20)

11. What hinders Christians from praying with confidence?

12. What hinders Christians from confessing sins and praying for each other?

13. Whom do you know who has been drifting away from the Lord and who needs an encouraging word from you this week?

Monday, March 31, 2008

Wealth & Poverty Reflection

Read an excellent paper titled " The Simple Life? Affluent-culture Christians and a biblical and systematic reflection on the theology of wealth" written by Rev Wei-Han Kuan which explores the issue of wealth and poverty. This article was originally published as a Zadoc special paper.

The paper provides helpful background for the small group study on James 5:1-6, "How To Be Wise With Your Wealth." found on this site.

How To Develop Patience

How To Develop Patience

James 5: 7-12

1. What kinds of experiences try your patience?

2. How can you tell if a person is telling the truth or making a promise that he she will keep?

3. What do we need to do as we wait for the Lord's return to earth? (5:7)

4. What will happen to Christians who grumble against their fellow believers? (5:9)

5. What people serve as good examples to us? How? (5:10-11)

6. What warning did James give concerning swearing? (5:12)

7. How does God use others to build patience in our lives?

8. What makes it hard to wait on God's timing?

9. What blessing or reward came to you for suffering as a Christian?

10. For what kinds of reasons do Christians judge each other?

11. What steps will you take this week to avoid judging others in your home? workplace? church?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

5 Prayer Ideas For Small Groups

1. Chain Prayers : Make a circle sitting or standing and join hands. Each person prays and when they have finished they squeeze the hand of the person next to them to start. Silent chains are the same except everyone prays silently.
2. Word Bomb Prayers: After a short time of preparation offer prayers for praise, adoration and thanksgiving. People say at random words and short phrases. Eg. Jesus, Thanks, You are here. I love you Lord... For intercession, mention a person's name or a situation and others pray silently.
3. Prayer emails: Each person comes with a prepared printed prayer written in an email or texting form. Exchange the emails or texts and then pray about the request.
4. Prayer Mountains: Give each person a mountain-shaped card. Explain to the group they are to write on it a 'mountain' they are facing at the moment. When they have finished the leader collects the cards, shuffles and distributes them. Silently each person reads the other person's prayer and prays that God will help with the situation. Then each card is read out pausing after each for quiet prayer. See Matthew 17.20.
5. News Prayers: This approach is used mainly for intercession. People are divided into groups and given newspapers. They look through them underlining or circling main points. Each group then presents their prayer points to everyone which then form the basis for prayer.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

James 5:1-6 - How to Be Wise With Your Wealth

James 5:1-6 - How to Be Wise With Your Wealth

1. How much does it take to be considered rich in your community?

2. How does money change people?

3. What warning did James give to rich people? (5:1-3)

4. Who should "weep and wail"? Why? (5:1-6)

5. For what reasons will the rich be punished? (5:4-6)

6. How have rich people hurt others? (5:4-6)

7. What do luxury and self-indulgence have to do with the trouble that lies ahead for rich people? (5:5)

8. How do money and riches affect our relationship with God?

9. How does God want us to handle money?

10. What does it mean to live in "luxury and indulgence"?

11. How should a Christian business owner or employer be different from others who do not follow Christ?

12. What material possessions would you find it difficult to give up to help someone else?

13. What changes can you make in your habitual use of money to please God?

14. What plans for the future can you make to reflect God's concern for the poor?

Monday, March 10, 2008

James 4:13-17 How To Face Your Future

James 4:13-17 How To Face Your Future

1. If you could start your own business, what would it be?

2. What warning did James give to those who make plans for the future? (4:13-14)

3. To what did James compare our lives? (4:14)

4. What is the best way to plan ahead? (4:15)

5. What outlook toward the future does God want us to change? (4:16)

6. How did James define sin? (4:17)

7. What responsibility does God want us to take in planning our lives?

8. How can we make plans for business or living which are pleasing to God?

9. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

10. How can you determine in your daily life what is sinful and what is pleasing to God?

11. What can you do this week to place your plans for the future in God's hands?

Monday, March 3, 2008

James 4:1-10 How To Avoid Arguments

James 4:1-10 How To Avoid Arguments

1. What do families and friends commonly fight about?

2. What are the battles going on inside a person? (4:1-2)

3. Why doesn't God give some people what they ask for? (4:3)

4. What does friendship with the world do to our relationship with God? (4:4)

5. When does God give us grace? (4:6)

6. How did James describe the way we should come to God? (4:7-10)

7. What does God do to us when we have an attitude of humility before Him? (4:10)

8. How has your belief about what God wants from you changed over the years?

9. What is the difference between pride and a sense of accomplishment?

10. What do we want from God most of the time?

11. What can you do this week to help you bring more humility into your life?

Monday, February 25, 2008

James 3:13-18 How To Relate To Others Wisely

James 3: 13-18 How To Relate To Others Wisely

1. What kinds of jobs or occupations require wisdom or discernment?

2. Where do people often go to get wisdom?

3. How can a person demonstrate wisdom and understanding? (3:13)

4. How is a person's character related to his or her ability to discern? (3:14-16)

5. What is wrong with the "wisdom" of a selfish and bitter person? (3:14-15)

6. To what do envy and selfish ambition lead? (3:16)

7. How does a wise person act? (3:17-18)

8. What happens when people "plant seeds of peace"? (3:18)

9. What is the best way to make a lasting positive impression on others?

10. What life experiences increase our wisdom?

11. What damage can bitter envy or selfish ambition do to a person?

12. What godly characteristics are present in our speech when we are pursuing God's wisdom?

13. What can you do this week to plant peace in a relationship or situation which has been troubling you?