Monday, December 1, 2008

Matthew 5:13-16 - God's Gift of Purpose

Matthew 5:13-16 - God's Gift of Purpose

1. What are the top five moral problems our country is facing?

2. How did Jesus imply that a Christian's positive influence can wane or disappear? (5:13)

3. How are we like light? (5:14)

4. According to Jesus, how exactly are Christians to be like lamps? (5:16)

5. If believers live as they are supposed to live, how will others respond toward God? (5:16)

6. What did Jesus mean when He called His followers salt?

7. How can a Christian lose his or her saltiness?

8. How might a believer hide his or her light?

9. What does light reveal?

10. In light of your gifts, abilities, and interests, what specific problem in our world can you counteract as a representative of Christ?

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