Monday, April 21, 2008

Luke 12:13-21 - Eat, Drink and be Merry

Luke 12:13-21 - Eat, Drink and be Merry

1. Over what did you and your siblings fight when you were growing up?

2. Against what did Jesus warn the crowd? Why? (12:13-15)

3. What was the rich man's dilemma in the parable? (12:16-17)

4. What did the man decide to do about his bumper crop? (12:18)

5. How did the rich man view his possessions and good fortune? (12:19)

6. What would become of the man's abundance? (12:20)

7. To whom did Jesus apply His teaching about greed? (12:21)

8. What signs of greed can show up in a person's life?

9. What parts of the parable make you uncomfortable?

10. How is it possible to be rich toward God?

11. With which of your possessions do you want to be more generous? How can you?

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