Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Join In

Join In
Exodus 19:1-9

1. Why do people put up No Trespassing signs?

2. When did the Israelites arrive at the Desert of Sinai? (19:1)

3. What did God tell Moses from the mountain? (19:3-6)

4. How did Moses respond to God's instructions? (19:7)

5. What types of limitations do certain institutions have on our lives?

6. Why does God place certain limitations on our lives?

7. What is one practical way you can follow God's direction for your life?

1 Peter 2:9-10

8. What status did Peter ascribe to believers in Christ? (2:9)

9. What is your ethnic heritage and how has it influenced you?

10. How does our past compare with our present condition? (2:10)

11. How does being chosen by God for a special task make you feel?

12. What are the implications of believers being a chosen people, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation?

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