Monday, June 2, 2008

Luke 13:1-9 - Get right with God

Luke 13:1-9 - Get right with God

1. What have been some of your frustrating experiences with gardening?

2. What did Jesus hear about a group of Galileans? (13:1)

3. What explanation for the tragedy did Jesus propose? (13:2)

4. How did Jesus reply to His own question? (13:3)

5. What was the story involving the tower of Siloam? (13:4)

6. What were Jesus' listeners to learn from the two stories? (13:3-5)

7. In the parable, what did the man seek from his fig tree? (13:6)

8. Why did the man want the fig tree chopped down? (13:7)

9. What did the vineyard tender suggest? (13:8-9)

10. Why do we often assume that people suffer because they are uniquely bad?

11. What can we do to keep from judging people by their circumstances?

12. What did Jesus mean by His warning, "But unless you repent, you too will all perish"?

13. What second chances have you been given?

14. What does God want us to do?

15. What godly characteristic do you want to focus your attention on this week? How?

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