Monday, July 28, 2008

Nehemiah 5:1-19 - God's People Challenged

Nehemiah 5:1-19 - God's People Challenged

1. What are some reasons people choose not to get involved in social issues?

2. What is the conflict between some of the Jews at the beginning of this story? (5:1-5)

3. What caused the Israelites' problems? (5:3-5)

4. How did Nehemiah react to the Israelites' complaints? (5:6)

5. What accusations did Nehemiah make against the officials? (5:7-11)

6. What action did Nehemiah take on behalf of the Israelites? (5:7-18)

7. How did the officials respond to Nehemiah's accusations? Why? (5:8, 12)

8. In what ways was Nehemiah different from other officials? (5:14-18)

9. What did Nehemiah want in return for his generosity to the Israelites? (5:19)

10. Why do you think Nehemiah sacrificed what he rightfully deserved as a governor?

11. How would you like to contribute to solving a particular social problem that concerns you?

12. What could you do today to encourage a friend who is struggling or hurting?

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