Monday, November 16, 2009

Philippians 3:1-11 - Faith in Christ

Philippians 3:1-11 - Faith in Christ

     1. If you were to update your resume today, what recent accomplishment would you want to include?

     2. How do you feel when someone is better than you at something you do well?

     3. Why did Paul repeat essential truths to the Philippians? (3:1)

     4. What did Paul say about certain false teachers? (3:2)

     5. What autobiographical facts did Paul give? (3:4-6)

     6. In what sense was Paul not boasting, even though he was calling attention to his accomplishments? (3:7-9)

     7. Why did Paul view his former accomplishments as "rubbish"? (3:8)

     8. What was Paul's status in Christ? (3:9)

     9. What longings did Paul admit to the Philippians? (3:10-11)

     10. What sorts of things tend to draw you away from Christ?

     11. What do you usually boast about?

     12. Why should our identity and confidence be in the Lord?

     13. How is the Apostle Paul's commitment to Christ an example to you?

     14. When you face struggles this week, how can you remember to rejoice rather than complain?

     15. What do you need to start counting as rubbish for the sake of Christ?

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