Monday, May 17, 2010

Hebrews 4:14-5:14 - Jesus the True Priest

Hebrews 4:14-5:14 - Jesus the True Priest

     1. Who do  you often turn to when you feel discouraged? Why?

     2. To what important spiritual leader did the author of Hebrews compare Jesus? (4:14)

     3. In what way is Jesus the ultimate high priest? (4:15)

     4. How does Christ respond to those who approach Him in faith? (4:15-16) Why?

     5. What is the role and primary duty of a high priest? (5:1)

     6. What makes a good high priest sympathetic to those he represents? (5:2)

     7. Who chose Israel's high priests? (5:4)

     8. How is Jesus like Melchizedek? (5:6) (see also Genesis 14 & Psalm 110)

     9. In what priestly activities did Jesus engage while on earth? (5:7)

     10. Who is described in this passage as the "source of eternal salvation"? (5:9)

     11. How does it encourage you to have Jesus as your high priest?

     12. What is the difference between sinning and being tempted?

     13. How did suffering to the point of death give Jesus insights into obedience?

     14. Why do you think suffering was part of God's will for Jesus as our high priest?

     15. What does it mean for us to approach God?

     16. What does it mean to you that Jesus has gone through the problems and temptations you face?

     17. For what specific area of your life do you need to approach Jesus and ask for mercy and grace?

     18. What steps do you need to take this week to follow the obedient example of Jesus, who did God's will even when it resulted in personal suffering?

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