Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Matthew 9:9-17 - The Challenge of Jesus

Matthew 9:9-17 - The Challenge of Jesus

1. If you were starting your own business, what qualities would you look for in prospective employees?

2. What did Jesus tell Matthew to do? (9:9)

3. Where did Jesus and Matthew go? Why? (9:10)

4. What did the Pharisees think of Jesus' attendance at Matthew's social function? (9:11)

5. What was Jesus' response to the Pharisees? (9:12)

6. What did Jesus tell His listeners they needed to learn? (9:13)

7. What did John's disciples want to know? (9:14)

8. Using an illustration from the world of wine making, Jesus talked about the need to do what? (9:17)

9. In what ways are you guilty of being legalistic?

10. What do you think people would say if you associated with a "wild crowd" in order to be a witness for Christ?

11. What will happen if we never reach out to those outside the church?

12. Why is it wrong for us to measure our performance as Christians by a list of dos and don'ts?

13. How can you cultivate a relationship with a non-Christian friend this week?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Matthew 9:1-8 - The Blasphemy of Jesus

Matthew 9:1-8 - The Blasphemy of Jesus

1. What qualities do you look for in a friend?

2. What people did God use to bring you to Jesus?

3. Upon His arrival, whom did Jesus encounter? (9:2)

4. What attribute did the men exhibit in coming to Christ? (9:2)

5. What did the teachers of the law think about Jesus' declaration? (9:3)

6. What did Jesus say about the teachers' opinions? (9:4-6)

7. What was Jesus' argument for His authority to forgive sins? (9:5-6)

8. What happened to the paralytic? (9:7)

9. What was the crowd's reaction to this event? (9:8)

10. How can we see a person's faith?

11. What do you think it would be like to be a paraplegic or quadriplegic?

12. What experiences led up to you meeting Christ and having your sins forgiven?

13. How do you typically react when someone else becomes a Christian?

14. What can you do for a hurting friend this week?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Matthew 8:23-27 - The Power of Jesus

Matthew 8:23-27 - The Power of Jesus

1. What is your scariest "bad weather story"?

2. Who accompanied Jesus in the boat? (8:23)

3. What surprise did the boaters encounter in this scene? (8:24)

4. What did the disciples do? What did the disciples say?(8:25)

5. How did Jesus reply to the disciples' expression of fear? (8:26)

6. How did the disciples react to this astonishing sequence of events? (8:27)

7. Why do you think most people--even nonreligious folks--turn to God when things really fall apart?

8. Why do we panic about the storms swirling around us when the God of the universe lives inside us?

9. How does it make you feel to remember that you have a Savior who is greater than anything this world can throw at you?

10. What amazing acts has God done for you?

11. This week, what specific ways can you demonstrate your belief that Jesus will see you through the storms in your life?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Matthew 8:18-22 - The Cost of Following Jesus

Matthew 8:18-22 - The Cost of Following Jesus

1. What excuses do people give for neglecting common responsibilities?

2. What observation prompted Jesus to cross to the other side of the lake? (8:18)

3. Who approached Jesus? (8:19-20)

4. What command did Jesus give to the disciple that offered to follow Him under certain conditions? (8:22)

5. Why do we value popularity?

6. Why do we value home ownership?

7. What are the pros and cons of putting down roots and getting settled into a community?

8. In what ways might a family (parents, siblings, or children) get in the way of following Jesus?

9. In what ways can our love for Christ cost us?

10. What can you do this week to encourage a Christian who has made sacrifices to follow Christ?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Matthew 8:5-13 - The Faith of the Centurion

Matthew 8:5-13 - The Faith of the Centurion

1. What did your mother do for you when you got sick as a child?

2. Who approached Jesus and asked for help? (8:5)

3. What did Jesus promise the soldier? (8:7)

4. What humble, surprising suggestion did the man make? (8:8)

5. What rationale did the centurion have for making his request? (8:9)

6. What insight did Jesus give about the guest list of the kingdom of heaven? (8:11)

7. What instructions did Jesus give the centurion? (8:13)

8. How should you respond when friends or relatives have needs?

9. How does Jesus' ready willingness to help the centurion's servant encourage you?

10. Why are we so often filled with doubt?

11. What assurance do you have that you will be at the great heavenly feast Jesus mentioned in this passage?

12. For what person who is sick or in trouble can you intercede today?

13. For what promise of Jesus will you trust God and expect Him to work this week?