Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Luke 16:1-15 - The Parable of the Shrewd Manager

Luke 16:1-15 - The Parable of the Shrewd Manager

     1. How is a shrewd businessperson viewed in our society today?

     2. How can the love of money hurt a person?

     3. How did the rich man respond to the manager who was "wasting his possessions"? (16:1-2)

     4. Why was the manager scared to lose his job? (16:3)

     5. What plan did the manager devise to secure his future? (16:4-7)

     6. How did the rich master react to the dishonest dealings of the manager? (16:8)

     7. Who are the "people of light" to whom Jesus referred? (16:8)

     8. What main principle should govern the way we use our resources? (16:10-12)

     9. Why is it impossible to serve two masters? (16:13)

     10. What did Jesus mean when He said, "Use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves"?

     11. Why is it so difficult to keep a proper perspective on money?

     12. How can we be sure that we will be "welcomed into eternal dwellings"?

     13. How can you become more trustworthy in handling the money and things that God has given you?

     14. What can you do during this next week to become a better steward of the resources God has given you?

Luke 15:11-32 - The Parable of the Lost Son

Luke 15:11-32 - The Parable of the Lost Son

     1. How do you normally react when you feel you have been treated unfairly?

     2. What did the younger son ask his father to do? (15:12-13)

     3. How did the younger son live once he was out on his own? (15:13-20)

     4. Why did the younger son have to hire himself out for work? (15:14-15)

     5. What made the younger son decide to return home? (15:17-19)

     6. How did the father respond to the younger son's return home? (15:20)

     7. Why did the father call for a celebration? (15:22-24)

     8. What was wrong with the older brother's reaction to his brother's return? (15:25-32)

     9. Why did the father want the older brother to be happy? (15:31-32)

     10. What does the forgiving love of the father in this story represent?

     11. How have you been like the prodigal son in this story?

     12. When have you been like the older brother?

     13. From whom do we tend to withhold mercy?

     14. What causes us to harbor resentment when mercy is shown to someone else?

     15. What should we do when a vile person wants to be forgiven?

     16. How can you show compassion for those who have not believed in Christ?

     17. What does this parable reveal to you about the Lord's love?

     18. How can you guard yourself against feeling resentment when God shows mercy to people you think don't deserve it?

     19. To what "undeserving" person can you extend God's love and forgiveness this week? How?