Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hebrews 12:4-13 Warning Against Refusing God

Hebrews 12:4-13  Warning Against Refusing God

     1. What do you think was good or bad about the way you were disciplined as a child?

     2. When did you endure difficult or arduous circumstances only because you knew you would later be rewarded?

     3. What measures does the Lord sometimes take toward those who are His "sons"? Why? (12:5-6)

     4. What do we learn about God from the fact that He disciplines us? (12:6-7)

     5. What sobering truth can be inferred by those who never experience the discipline of God? (12:8)

     6. Why does God discipline His children? (12:9-10)

     7. In what sense does discipline have two sides? (12:11)

     8. What are some specific ways God disciplines us?

     9. What state might your life be in if God neglected to discipline you when you went astray?

     10. How has God's discipline made positive changes in your life?

     11. Why should we not lose heart when the Lord rebukes or corrects us?

     12. What step of obedience can you take beginning today to eliminate the need for God to discipline you?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hebrews 11:23-12.3 Keep Running the Race

Hebrews 11:23-12.3 Keep Running the Race

     1. What is your favorite sporting event? Why?

     2. What do you consider the greatest example of faith you have ever seen? Why?

     3. What hard choices did Moses make because of his faith? (11:24-28)

     4. What "secret" enabled Moses to persevere through rough times? (11:27)

     5. What were some of the victories enjoyed by faithful Old Testament believers? (11:32-34)

     6. How does this passage disprove the notion that faith always leads to earthly blessing? (11:35-38)

     7. What happened to a great many Old Testament saints who exercised faith in God? (11:39)

     8. What should motivate followers of Christ to live for Him? (12:1)

   9. What should be the focus of those who would live for Christ? (12:2)

   10. What is the benefit of remembering what Christ has done? (12:3)

     11. Why do you think God sometimes leaves us in the dark about His will?
     12. How well are you running the Christian race?

     13. Which characters named in this chapter would you most like and least like to trade places with? Why?

     14. With what do you need to trust God even though you can't see what the future holds? How can you show this trust?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hebrews 11:1-22 - Keep Believing

Hebrews 11:1-22 - Keep Believing

     1. When you were a child, what are some ways you showed trust in your parents?

     2. What is faith? (11:1)

     3. What does faith help us to comprehend about the creation of the world? (11:3)

     4. What was unusual about Enoch? (11:5)

     5. What role does faith play in approaching and pleasing God? (11:6)

     6. How did faith affect Abraham's life? (11:8-12)

     7. How does faith change a person's focus and perspective? (11:13-16)

     8. What ultimate test of faith did God put Abraham through? (11:17-19)

     9. What "secret" enabled Moses to persevere through rough times? (11:27)

     10. According to this passage, what is the only way we can please God with our lives?

     11. What prompts committed followers of Christ to continue to exercise faith even when He never seems to "come through" for them?

     12. Why do you think the author said that "the world was not worthy of" the heroes of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11?

     13. What is one way you can remind yourself to live as an alien and stranger at work and in your community?