Wednesday, December 12, 2007

James 1:19-27 How to be blessed by the Bible

James 1:19-27 - How to be blessed by the Bible

1. When are you most likely to lose your temper?

2. What instruction did James give about the relationship between speaking, listening, and anger? (1:19)

3. What is the relationship between anger and righteous living? (1:20)

4. What should a Christian clean out of his or her life? (1:21)

5. What is the relationship between listening to God's Word and doing it? (1:22)

6. What analogy did James use to describe a person who does not do what the Bible says? (1:23-24)

7. What does the Bible give to people? (1:25)

8. How is a person's speech related to the credibility of his or her faith? (1:26)

9. What did James describe as pure religion? (1:27)

10. How can being quick to speak and quick to anger get you into trouble?

11. How do displays of anger and temper affect the witness of a Christian?

12. What makes it hard for us to practice what we know to be good?

13. How have you experienced freedom by doing the Word of God?

14. What can we do to help widows and orphans?

15. How can we keep ourselves from being polluted by the world?

16. In what situations this week will you need to curb your anger? How can you?

17. Whom will you help this week in obedience to God's Word?

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