James 2:14-26
1. If you were 100 kms. from home with no money, no credit cards, no friends, no transportation, and no place to stay, what would you do to survive and make it home?
2. What is the relationship between faith and deeds? (2:14)
3. What illustration did James use to explain how real faith affects a person's deeds? (2:15-17)
4. What is wrong with having faith without deeds? (2:18-26)
5. What do the demons believe about God? How does it affect them? (2:19)
6. What did Abraham do to show his faith? (2:21-23)
7. How is a person justified before God? (2:24)
8. How did Rahab show faith? (2:25)
9. How are faith and deeds like the body and the spirit? (2:26)
10. How is being a Christian supposed to change the way we live?
11. What is one way to tell if a person has a real, living faith?
12. What is difficult about applying what we hear in church to our everyday lives?
13. If God has forgiven us and promised us eternal life, what motivation do we have to live in obedience to Him today?
14. In what home, work, or neighborhood situations might you be able to show faith in God this week? How?
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