Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Every Day - Lamentations 3:19-39

Lamentations 3:19-39

1. If you were to portray pain and suffering through poetry, music, or painting, which one medium would you choose? Why?

2. What did the poet recall? (3:19-21)

3. In the middle of lamenting the siege and destruction of Jerusalem, what profound assurance did the writer express? (3:22-24)

4. What virtues were affirmed by the author? (3:25-27)

5. How was God's mercy revealed in suffering? (3:28-33)

6. How did the writer describe the nature of God's knowledge? (3:37-38)

7. What did the writer say about sin and suffering? (3:39)

8. What do you know about the mercies of God in the middle of difficulty?

9. Why does relying on God give you hope?

10. What message of hope can we offer to people who are in despair?

11. When can you spend some time in prayer to thank the Lord for His faithfulness and acts of mercy in your life?

Read Zechariah 4:1-14

12. What was the explanation given concerning the golden lampstand and the two olive trees? (4:1-14)

13. What ministry project are you involved in that you would like to see completed?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Be a Servant

Suffering and Glory of the Servant
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 -
1. What kinds of human suffering are particularly abhorrent and difficult for you to watch?

2. What are the different ways in which a person might attract a following?

3. How did God, through Isaiah's prophecy, characterize the actions of the coming Servant? (52:13)

4. Why was it necessary for a righteous servant to be the bearer of sins?

5. What opposite reactions would people have to the Messiah before and after His suffering? (52:14-15)

6. What sufferings of Jesus (such as those described in Luke 23:1-56) were foretold in Isaiah 53?

7. What was unbelievable about the message of God's chosen deliverance? (53:1-3)

8. What would actually be happening when people were assuming that God was punishing Jesus? (53:4)

9. What would the wounds of the Messiah accomplish for all believers? (53:5)

10. What has God done with the sin of each human being? (53:6)

11. How did Isaiah say that the Messiah would respond to mistreatment and suffering? (53:7)

12. What was God's will in relation to the life of His Son? (53:10)

13. Why did Isaiah say that the Messiah would be exalted and "divide the spoils"? (53:12)

14. What one goal for your relationship with God can you work on in the coming weeks by contemplating His sacrifice for you?

Don't Forget

Don't Forget
Deuteronomy 8

1. What is one thing you tend to be forgetful about?

2. How did the Lord humble the Israelites? (8:3-4)

3. How does God discipline us? (8:5)

4. Why did God want Israel to remember His commands? (8:6-9)

5. How was Israel told not to forget God? (8:10-14)

6. What was Israel commanded to remember about God? (8:17-20)

7. What is the relationship between forgetfulness and responsibility?

8. How do you feel when you have to keep reminding people to do things?

9. What does this section of Scripture teach you about remembering God?

10. What can we humbly give to God for all the blessings He gives us?

11. What is a practical way you can remember God in all you do this week?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Join In

Join In
Exodus 19:1-9

1. Why do people put up No Trespassing signs?

2. When did the Israelites arrive at the Desert of Sinai? (19:1)

3. What did God tell Moses from the mountain? (19:3-6)

4. How did Moses respond to God's instructions? (19:7)

5. What types of limitations do certain institutions have on our lives?

6. Why does God place certain limitations on our lives?

7. What is one practical way you can follow God's direction for your life?

1 Peter 2:9-10

8. What status did Peter ascribe to believers in Christ? (2:9)

9. What is your ethnic heritage and how has it influenced you?

10. How does our past compare with our present condition? (2:10)

11. How does being chosen by God for a special task make you feel?

12. What are the implications of believers being a chosen people, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation?