Monday, April 20, 2009

Proverbs 5:1-23 - Develop Discipline

Proverbs 5:1-23 - Develop Discipline

1. In what way have you found society encourages or discourages personal discipline?

2. Why did Solomon tell the reader to listen to his words? (5:1-2)

3. What is this chapter about? (5:1-23)

4. What thought does an adulteress give to the long-term consequences of her way of life? (5:6)

5. What did Solomon encourage us to do? (5:7-8)

6. How should a person satisfy his or her thirst? (5:15)

7. Where should a person seek sexual fulfillment? (5:15-20)

8. What did Solomon say was the downfall of a wicked man? (5:23)

9. How do people show they hate discipline?

10. Why might someone be tempted to satisfy his or her longings outside his or her marriage relationship?

11. How does the fact that your ways are in full view of the Lord make you feel?

12. What steps can you take to guard against sexual temptation?

13. What can you do today to renew your love relationship with your spouse?

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