Monday, November 30, 2009

Philippians 4:2-9 - Trust Christ

Philippians 4:2-9 - Trust Christ

     1. How do you tend to respond when things don't go your way?

     2. What did Paul exhort the Philippian believers to do? (4:1)

     3. Why did Paul plead with Euodia and Syntyche? (4:2)

     4. What was Paul's relationship with Clement? (4:3)

     5. What did Paul encourage his readers to do? (4:4)

     6. How did Paul tell the Philippian Christians to treat others? (4:5)

     7. How should an awareness of Christ's imminent return affect a person's attitude? (4:5-7)

     8. What were the Philippians to do instead of worrying? (4:6-7)

     9. How can a believer enjoy the peace of God? (4:6-7)

     10. How can believers enjoy the presence of the God of peace? (4:9)

     11. When have you been involved in helping Christians resolve differences?

     12. How can you have a peaceful spirit?

     13. If you were more thankful, joyful, and gentle, how might your family and friends be affected?

     14. What does it mean to live a righteous life-style?

     15. In what areas of your life do you need to follow Paul's example?

     16. How can you be an effective peacemaker this week?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Philippians 3:12-4:1 - Pressing on in Christ

Philippians 3:12-4:1 - Pressing on in Christ

     1. If you lived in ancient times and participated in sports, would you prefer chariot racing or spear throwing? Why?

     2. What was Paul's testimony? (3:12-14)

     3. What was Paul's goal? (3:14)

     4. How did Paul call the Philippians to share his view? (3:15)

     5. What was Paul's plea to the Philippians? (3:16)

     6. How did Paul describe God's enemies? (3:18-19)

     7. Whom did the Philippian believers eagerly await? (3:20)

     8. What characterizes citizens of heaven? (3:21)

     9. What kind of race are you running for Christ?

     10. What prize do you seek?

     11. How can you imitate Paul's life and example?

     12. How can Christ help you stay on track and reach the goal?

     13. What spiritual workout or training this week will help you run your Christian marathon?

     14. In what way can you renew your commitment to press on toward the goal of being like Christ?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Philippians 3:1-11 - Faith in Christ

Philippians 3:1-11 - Faith in Christ

     1. If you were to update your resume today, what recent accomplishment would you want to include?

     2. How do you feel when someone is better than you at something you do well?

     3. Why did Paul repeat essential truths to the Philippians? (3:1)

     4. What did Paul say about certain false teachers? (3:2)

     5. What autobiographical facts did Paul give? (3:4-6)

     6. In what sense was Paul not boasting, even though he was calling attention to his accomplishments? (3:7-9)

     7. Why did Paul view his former accomplishments as "rubbish"? (3:8)

     8. What was Paul's status in Christ? (3:9)

     9. What longings did Paul admit to the Philippians? (3:10-11)

     10. What sorts of things tend to draw you away from Christ?

     11. What do you usually boast about?

     12. Why should our identity and confidence be in the Lord?

     13. How is the Apostle Paul's commitment to Christ an example to you?

     14. When you face struggles this week, how can you remember to rejoice rather than complain?

     15. What do you need to start counting as rubbish for the sake of Christ?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Philippians 2:19-30 - Model Christ

Philippians 2:19-30 - Model Christ

1. When was the last time you gave a character reference for a friend?

2. What was Paul's opinion of Timothy? (2:20)

3. In Paul's view, why did Timothy stand out? (2:21-22)

4. When would Paul send Timothy to the Philippians? (2:23)

5. Who was Epaphroditus? (2:25)

6. How did Epaphroditus feel about his friends in Philippi? (2:26)

7. What happened to Epaphroditus? (2:26-27)

8. How did Paul demonstrate his selflessness? (2:28)

9. How were the Philippians told to welcome home Epaphroditus? (2:29-30)

10. Among your circle of Christian friends, for whom do you have the highest regard? Why?

11. Why could Paul count on Timothy and Epaphroditus?

12. In what ways have you proved to be a reliable servant of God?

13. What risks are you willing to take on behalf of other Christians?

14. This week, how can you look out for the interests of the Lord rather than your own interests?

15. How can you be a model of humility and service to other Christians this week?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Philippians 2:12-18 - Shining as Stars

Philippians 2:12-18 - Shining as Stars

1. Who pointed the way for you in your first job?

2. What is the most frequent complaint you hear?

3. What did the Philippian Christians need to obey? (2:12)

4. How would God help the Philippians obey Him? (2:12-13)

5. Why were the Philippians not shining "like stars" in their world? (2:14-16)

6. What would enable Paul to boast about the Philippians? (2:14-16)

7. How did Paul view his own life? (2:17)

8. What did Paul want his friends at Philippi to experience? (2:18)

9. What does it mean "to work out your salvation with fear and trembling"?

10. What do you tend to complain and argue about?

11. How does shining for Christ encourage others to be drawn to Him?

12. How can you help new believers "shine like stars" for God's kingdom?

13. In what situations this week do you need to make a conscious effort not to complain or argue?

14. Before whom do you want to shine in your place of work or neighborhood? In what ways can you do so?