Monday, September 6, 2010

1 Peter 1:1-12 - Praise to God for a Living Hope

1 Peter 1:1-12 - Praise to God for a Living Hope

     1. Complete this sentence any way you'd like: I hope that . . .

     2. To whom did Peter address his letter? (1:1)

     3. How had Peter's readers been chosen? (1:2)

     4. What had God given Peter and his readers? (1:3)

     5. By what are believers shielded? For how long? (1:5)

     6. What did Peter tell his readers they may have to suffer? (1:6)

     7. Why had trials come to Peter's audience? (1:7)

     8. What benefit is there in suffering? (1:7)

     9. What did Peter say was the goal of their faith? (1:9)

     10. What did the Spirit of Christ predict? (1:11)

     11. What did the angels long to do? (1:12)

     12. When did God give you new birth?

     13. What trials are you or have you suffered recently?

     14. How have the trials you've been through strengthened and refined your faith?

     15. What is the goal of your faith?

     16. How do you need to adjust your attitude about the trials in your life?

     17. What can you do this week to welcome the present trials in your life?

     18. How will you rejoice in your salvation today?

Luke 7:1-10 - The Faith of the Centurion

 Luke 7:1-10 - The Faith of the Centurion
     1. When you hear the word "authority," who first comes to mind?

     2. In what town did Jesus heal the centurion's servant? (7:1-2)

     3. Whom did the centurion send to present his request to Jesus? (7:3)

     4. What different character qualities were demonstrated by the centurion? (7:3-8)

     5. What message did the centurion send when he discovered Jesus was actually coming to his house? (7:6-8)

     6. How did the centurion understand the concept of authority? (7:6-8)

     7. How did Jesus react to the centurion's words? (7:9)

     8. To whom did Jesus remark on the uniqueness of the centurion's faith? (7:9)

     9. What happened to the centurion's servant? (7:10)

     10. What characteristics of the centurion's attitude and request would be helpful to remember when we ask God for help?

     11. Why is it difficult for us to be as dependent on God as the centurion was?

     12. Why is it important to be encouraged about the quality of our faith, even as Jesus affirmed the faith of the centurion?

     13. What are some of the ways in which Jesus is Lord of your life?

     14. How could you affirm the faith of someone who has been an example to you?

     15. How can you strengthen your friendships with other Christians this week?

Luke 15:1-7

Luke 15:1-7 - The Parable of the Lost Sheep

     1. As a child, when was a time you got lost from your family or a group?

     2. What were the Pharisees and teachers of the law doing? (15:2)

     3. What does a conscientious shepherd do when one of the flock is lost? (15:4)

     4. What happens when a shepherd returns to his home and flock after finding a lost sheep? (15:6)

     5. How does heaven react when a sinner repents? (15:7)

     6. What kind of people do not need to repent? (15:7)

     7. Why did the religious leaders miss the point of what Jesus' ministry was about?

     8. Why did Jesus choose a parable about sheep to make His point?

     9. In what ways do we go astray?

     10. How does the picture of "rejoicing in heaven" over repentance make you feel?

     11. In what situations are you most tempted to stray from God?

     12. What can you do this week to help a fellow believer who may be straying from God's ways?

     13. What practical step can you take to avoid tempting situations?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Seven steps that bring a small group to a healthy end

1. During the last meeting,talk about your experience as a group and what the group meant to you. Use affirmation questions to get the conversation flowing:
  •  If you could give a gift to anyone in the room,what would you give and to whom?
  • Pick someone in the room and name a characteristic they have that you are most thankful for.
This ends the group on a positive note and helps members leave with good feelings about their small group experience.
2. Fill out a written evaluation or survey, answering questions like, What did you like most about eh group? What did you like least? In which area of your spiritual life do you feel you grew the most as a result of meeting with this small group?
3. Plan to keep in touch in the future. (Set up a fellowship time once a month after your last meeting, just to see how everyone is doing.)
4. After the group closes, have the leader(s) and host or hostess write a note of appreciation and encouragement to each member.
5. Be sure your church's co-ordinator of groups has a complete list of all the participants for future reference.
6. Make sure that the group leader lets everyone know about alternative small group opportunities. This way interested people can get involved in new groups.
7. At the final meeting the leader should exhort members to continue to pray for each other. The leader can also encourage them to continue getting together- as prayer partners, for example.

  • Contributed by Judy Hamlin, Prestonwood Baptist Church, 15720 Hillcrest, Dallas, TX 75248

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hebrews 13:1-25 - Keep on Loving

Hebrews 13:1-25 - Keep on Loving

     1. What would you want to say to your loved ones if you could write them a last letter or make a final videotaped message?

     2. What is one change you'd like to make but don't think you can right now?

     3. What kind of love are Christians to demonstrate? (13:1)

     4. What kinds of people does God want Christians to try to help? (13:3)

     5. Why is sexual purity important? (13:4)

     6. What attitude toward money ought Christians to have? Why? (13:5)

     7. How can we learn to be content? (13:5)

     8. How should Christians view their spiritual leaders? (13:7, 17)

     9. What kind of sacrifices should we offer to God? (13:15-16)

     10. What did the writer pray would happen to his readers? (13:20-21)

     11. Why do you think is it so difficult to be content?

     12. How can we draw contentment from God's unchanging nature?

     13. What does hospitality mean or entail?

     14. What are some practical steps we can take to avoid temptations to immorality?

     15. What can you do to show love to a person who is in prison or being mistreated?

     16. What Christian friend or friends can you encourage to continue walking with Christ? How?

What does God say about the environment?

A sampler of Bible texts & articles for discussion :

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hebrews 12:4-13 Warning Against Refusing God

Hebrews 12:4-13  Warning Against Refusing God

     1. What do you think was good or bad about the way you were disciplined as a child?

     2. When did you endure difficult or arduous circumstances only because you knew you would later be rewarded?

     3. What measures does the Lord sometimes take toward those who are His "sons"? Why? (12:5-6)

     4. What do we learn about God from the fact that He disciplines us? (12:6-7)

     5. What sobering truth can be inferred by those who never experience the discipline of God? (12:8)

     6. Why does God discipline His children? (12:9-10)

     7. In what sense does discipline have two sides? (12:11)

     8. What are some specific ways God disciplines us?

     9. What state might your life be in if God neglected to discipline you when you went astray?

     10. How has God's discipline made positive changes in your life?

     11. Why should we not lose heart when the Lord rebukes or corrects us?

     12. What step of obedience can you take beginning today to eliminate the need for God to discipline you?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hebrews 11:23-12.3 Keep Running the Race

Hebrews 11:23-12.3 Keep Running the Race

     1. What is your favorite sporting event? Why?

     2. What do you consider the greatest example of faith you have ever seen? Why?

     3. What hard choices did Moses make because of his faith? (11:24-28)

     4. What "secret" enabled Moses to persevere through rough times? (11:27)

     5. What were some of the victories enjoyed by faithful Old Testament believers? (11:32-34)

     6. How does this passage disprove the notion that faith always leads to earthly blessing? (11:35-38)

     7. What happened to a great many Old Testament saints who exercised faith in God? (11:39)

     8. What should motivate followers of Christ to live for Him? (12:1)

   9. What should be the focus of those who would live for Christ? (12:2)

   10. What is the benefit of remembering what Christ has done? (12:3)

     11. Why do you think God sometimes leaves us in the dark about His will?
     12. How well are you running the Christian race?

     13. Which characters named in this chapter would you most like and least like to trade places with? Why?

     14. With what do you need to trust God even though you can't see what the future holds? How can you show this trust?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hebrews 11:1-22 - Keep Believing

Hebrews 11:1-22 - Keep Believing

     1. When you were a child, what are some ways you showed trust in your parents?

     2. What is faith? (11:1)

     3. What does faith help us to comprehend about the creation of the world? (11:3)

     4. What was unusual about Enoch? (11:5)

     5. What role does faith play in approaching and pleasing God? (11:6)

     6. How did faith affect Abraham's life? (11:8-12)

     7. How does faith change a person's focus and perspective? (11:13-16)

     8. What ultimate test of faith did God put Abraham through? (11:17-19)

     9. What "secret" enabled Moses to persevere through rough times? (11:27)

     10. According to this passage, what is the only way we can please God with our lives?

     11. What prompts committed followers of Christ to continue to exercise faith even when He never seems to "come through" for them?

     12. Why do you think the author said that "the world was not worthy of" the heroes of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11?

     13. What is one way you can remind yourself to live as an alien and stranger at work and in your community?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Hebrews 10:19-39 - Don't Shrink Back

Hebrews 10:19-39 - Don't Shrink Back

     1. When in your life did you "hang in there" the longest in the face of an extremely difficult situation?

     2. Who has encouraged you the most in the last six months?

     3. Why did the author say that those under the new covenant could draw near to God? (10:19-22)

     4. What privilege comes to those who are part of the "house of God"? (10:22)

     5. Why are Christians able to persevere in following Christ? (10:23)

     6. What kind of behavior should believers in Christ exhibit toward one another? (10:24-25)

     7. What will happen to God's enemies? (10:26-27)

     8. Why is rejecting Christ more serious than rejecting the old covenant? (10:28-29)

     9. What did the author consider "a dreadful thing"? (10:31)

     10. How had the Hebrew Christians responded to persecution at first? (10:32-34)

     11. What is promised to those who persevere? (10:35-39)

     12. How does the complete forgiveness and help offered by Christ motivate you to draw near to God?

     13. How do you personally feel about going to church or involvement in Christian groups?

     14. How does the certainty of God's judgment challenge you?

     15. What is behind the ups and downs in your spiritual journey?

     16. What is one small project you could complete today to encourage a Christian friend to persevere in his or her faith?

     17. Since we are called to live by faith (10:38), what is one bold step of trust in God you can take today?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hebrews 10:1-18 - Jesus: A Better Sacrifice

Hebrews 10:1-18 - Jesus: A Better Sacrifice

     1. What is one thing you would buy at a very high price if paying that price meant you never had to pay for it again?

     2. In what way was the Law of Moses glaringly inadequate? (10:1-2)

     3. What function did the annual sacrifices serve? Why? (10:3-4)

     4. Why wasn't God pleased with the sacrifices and offerings of the old covenant? (10:5-6)

     5. What was the attitude of Christ when He came into the world? (10:7)

     6. If God neither desired nor was pleased with old covenant sacrifices, why did the Israelites make them? (10:8)

     7. What role does a believer play in earning God's approval? (10:9-14)

     8. How did the new covenant change the way God motivates His people to live for Him? (10:16)

     9. What effect did the sacrifice of Christ have on the way God views our sins? (10:17)

     10. Why are additional sacrifices for sin unnecessary? (10:18)

     11. What has Christ done for us?

     12. Why do Christians still feel guilt when God says He forgives and forgets their transgressions?

     13. How does being cleansed of sin by Christ change us?

     14. What do you think prompted or motivated Jesus to make the sacrifice He made?

     15. In what sense have we "been made holy" (10:10) while at the same time "are being made holy" (10:14)?

     16. In what specific areas of your life today do you need to follow the example of Christ in saying, "I have come to do your will, O God"?

     17. When could you speak with a friend or relative who would be encouraged by the truths of this passage?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hebrews 9:1-10 - Jesus: A Better Covenant

Hebrews 9:1-10 - Jesus: A Better Covenant
     1. If you could show three objects or artifacts that best tell the story of your own spiritual journey, what items would you show? Why?

     2. What aspect of the old and new covenants is compared in this passage? (9:1)

     3. What was in the first room of the earthly tabernacle? (9:2)

     4. What was behind the second curtain in the tabernacle? (9:3)

     5. What was inside in the ark of the covenant? (9:4)

     6. During the year, who typically ministered at the tabernacle, and in which part did this ministry take place? (9:6)

     7. What three severe restrictions were placed upon entrance to the inner room of the temple? (9:7)

     8. For whom was blood offered on the Day of Atonement? (9:7)

     9. What truth was the Holy Spirit teaching through the once-a-year offering for sin under the old covenant? (9:8)

     10. What symbolic truth did the Mosaic tabernacle teach about sin? (9:9-10)

     11. From Hebrews 9:1-5 and the background information in Exodus, what is your impression of the old covenant's "regulations for worship"?

     12. What do you think went through the high priest's mind on the Day of Atonement as he prepared to enter the Holy of Holies?

     13. How can we alter our lives to reflect the fact that God dwells only in holy places?

     14. How does Christ's sacrifice enable us to have a clear conscience?

     15. How can we be sure to approach God as the holy God He is?

     16. What are some practical steps you can take when you feel touched by a guilty conscience?

     17. What do you want to remember the next time you approach God in worship?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hebrews 8:1-13 - Jesus a Better Covenant

Hebrews 8:1-13 - Jesus a Better Covenant

     1. What items in your home or office would you consider obsolete? Why?

     2. Where is Christ right now? (8:1)

     3. What is Christ doing presently in heaven? (8:2)

     4. What is the "job description" for a high priest? (8:3)

     5. Why would Jesus not be a priest on earth? (8:4)

     6. What do the terms "copy," "shadow," and "pattern" indicate about the Levitical priesthood? (8:5)

     7. In what ways is the new covenant superior to the old? (8:6)

     8. Why did God decide to initiate a new covenant? (8:7-12

     9. How did God say the new covenant would be different from the old one? (8:10)

     10. What is God's response to sin under the new covenant? (8:12)

     11. What became of the old covenant when the new was introduced? (8:13)

     12. How motivated would you be to love and worship God if you had to depend solely on animal sacrifices offered by a stranger?

     13. What do we learn about God from the fact that He set aside the old covenant in favor of the new?

     14. What three words best describe how you feel knowing that Jesus Christ is in the presence of God representing you before your Creator?

     15. In what ways can you show your thanks to God today for the fact that He remembers your sins no more?

     16. What can you do this week to get to know God better?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Hebrews 7:1-28 Jesus: an Eternal High Priest

Hebrews 7:1-28  Jesus: an Eternal High Priest

     1. What does your name mean?

     2. If you could have dinner with any three Bible characters, whom would you choose? Why?

     3. Who was Melchizedek? (7:1)

     4. How was Melchizedek associated with Abraham? (7:1)

     5. What is significant about the title, "king of Salem"? (7:2)

     6. What about the Genesis record of Melchizedek's life foreshadowed or anticipated the priesthood of Christ? (7:3)

     7. How do we know that Melchizedek was "great"? (7:4)

     8. Why was it unusual for Melchizedek to receive a tithe from Abraham? (7:6)

     9. How did Levi--the yet-unborn collector of tithes--pay tithes to Melchizedek? (7:9-10)

     10. Why did a new priest from the order of Melchizedek come along to replace the order of Aaron? (7:11)

     11.What tribe did Jesus Christ come from? (7:13-14) How is this significant?

     12. In what ways is Jesus like Melchizedek?

     13. On what basis did Christ become a priest? (7:15-16)

     14. How is Jesus unique among the priests who represented Israel before God? (7:23-25)

     15. What does it mean to you that Christ, like Melchizedek, is both a great king and priest?

     16. How does it make you feel to know that Jesus is praying for you at this very moment?

     17. What could you say to someone who says, "I don't see what Christ accomplished by dying on the cross"?

     18. What insight from this passage can you meditate upon today to keep you from drifting away from Christ?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hebrews 6:1-20 No Turning Back

Hebrews 6:1-20 No Turning Back

     1. What gives you a sense of security?

     2. What fundamental or basic doctrines form the foundation of our faith? (6:1-2)

     3. In the end, what enables us to reach spiritual maturity? (6:3)

     4. What are maturing, committed Christians like? (6:7)

     5. What are those who fall away from the faith like? (6:8)

     6. What danger did the author warn against? (6:12)

     7. How did God guarantee His promise to Abraham? (6:13-14)   

     8. What do we learn from this passage about God? (6:13, 17-18)
     9. How was Christ able to "enter the inner sanctuary behind the curtain"? (6:19-20)
    10. What did Christ do on our behalf? (6:20)

     11. In what way can a Christian become useless to God?

     12. How does Abraham's patience in waiting for God's promise encourage you?

     13. What can we do to move forward, or become more mature, in our relationship with Christ a little each day?

     14. How does it help us to know that it is impossible for God to lie?

     15. In what way can a Christian become useless to God?
     16. How can you rely on the goodness of God's Word for discernment in the decisions you must make?

     17. What promise of God do you need to cling at this time in your life?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hebrews 4:14-5:14 - Jesus the True Priest

Hebrews 4:14-5:14 - Jesus the True Priest

     1. Who do  you often turn to when you feel discouraged? Why?

     2. To what important spiritual leader did the author of Hebrews compare Jesus? (4:14)

     3. In what way is Jesus the ultimate high priest? (4:15)

     4. How does Christ respond to those who approach Him in faith? (4:15-16) Why?

     5. What is the role and primary duty of a high priest? (5:1)

     6. What makes a good high priest sympathetic to those he represents? (5:2)

     7. Who chose Israel's high priests? (5:4)

     8. How is Jesus like Melchizedek? (5:6) (see also Genesis 14 & Psalm 110)

     9. In what priestly activities did Jesus engage while on earth? (5:7)

     10. Who is described in this passage as the "source of eternal salvation"? (5:9)

     11. How does it encourage you to have Jesus as your high priest?

     12. What is the difference between sinning and being tempted?

     13. How did suffering to the point of death give Jesus insights into obedience?

     14. Why do you think suffering was part of God's will for Jesus as our high priest?

     15. What does it mean for us to approach God?

     16. What does it mean to you that Jesus has gone through the problems and temptations you face?

     17. For what specific area of your life do you need to approach Jesus and ask for mercy and grace?

     18. What steps do you need to take this week to follow the obedient example of Jesus, who did God's will even when it resulted in personal suffering?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hebrews 4:1-13 - A Sabbath-Rest for the People of God

Hebrews 4:1-13 - A Sabbath-Rest for the People of God

     1. What situations or circumstances tend to make you feel restless?

     2. What important promise is the subject of this passage? (4:1)

     3. How do we know that not everyone will experience God's rest (that is, His salvation)? (4:1-2)

     4. Why didn't the Israelites of the Exodus enter God's rest? (4:2)

     5. What must a person do to experience God's rest? (4:3)

     6. How long has God been giving us a chance to enter His rest? (4:4)

     7. Why did some who heard the promise of rest fail to enjoy that promise? (4:6)

     8. What rest awaited God's people after Joshua and the Israelites had conquered Canaan? (4:8-9)

     9. Entering God's rest has what effect on our work? (4:10)

     10. How should we seek to learn from the Israelites' negative example? (4:11)

     11. What is unique about God? (4:13)

     12. What does it mean to enter God's rest?

     13. How is enjoying God's salvation a reality in your life?

     14. What prevents you from enjoying God's rest (or salvation)?

     15. How does the fact that God sees and knows everything about you (actions, words, thoughts, motives, feelings, and attitudes) motivate you to live a holy life?

     16. What has the Word of God revealed about your own thoughts and attitudes of the heart?

     17. What one area of your life do you need to turn over to God today?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hebrews 3:1-19 - Jesus Greater Than Moses

Hebrews 3:1-19 - Jesus Greater Than Moses

     1. Who are (or were) some of the heroes of your generation?

     2. What blessing is promised to those who know Christ? (3:1)

     3. Who is Jesus? (3:1-2)

     4. In what ways are Moses and Jesus similar? (3:2, 5-6)

    5. Why is Jesus worthy of more honor than Moses? (3:3-6)

    6. How do we demonstrate that we are members of God's household? (3:6)

     7. What qualities are necessary for us to be faithful children of God? (3:6)

    8. What warning (first issued by the psalmist) is repeated here by the author of Hebrews? (3:7-8)

   9. What were the consequences of the Israelites' stubborn disobedience? (3:11)

     10. How ought our identity affect the way we live in our daily lives?

     11. In light of the disobedience of the Israelites of the Exodus, what command was given to the Jewish Christians of the first century? (3:12)

     12. Why is it important for us to fix our thoughts on Jesus, our apostle and high priest?

     13. What is the connection between sin and unbelief? (3:12-13)

     14. What happened to the generation of Israelites who rebelled against God in the wilderness? (3:17-18)

     15. In what ways is Christ greater than our greatest spiritual leaders and mentors?

     16. What does it mean to harden one's heart?

     17. What is one concrete way you can give to Jesus the honor that He deserves today?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hebrews 2:5-18 - Jesus: Truly Human

Hebrews 2:5-18 - Jesus: Truly Human

     1. What is the most helpful act a brother or sister has ever done for you?

     2. What is our God-given place on earth? (2:6-8)

     3. What is Christ's present heavenly status? (2:9)

     4. What was unique about the death that Christ suffered? (2:9)

     5. What is God's ultimate goal for us? (2:10)

     6. What does Christ do to qualify a person for membership in the family of God? (2:11)

     7. What is the relationship between Christ and those who experience the salvation He gives? (2:11-12)

     8. What effect did the death of Christ have on Satan and his power? (2:14)

     9. In what ways is Christ like us? (2:14, 17)

     10. In what ways are we "a little lower than the angels"?

     11. What is the significance of the fact that no trial or temptation can come upon you that Christ does not perfectly understand?

     12. What counsel would you give to a Christian friend who was terrified of death?

     13. What areas of your life do you need to entrust to your understanding, merciful, and powerful high priest/big brother?

     14. Knowing that Christ understands your temptations, how can you respond differently today to the difficulties you face?

     15. What Christian friend(s) can you encourage today with the message that Christ is our sympathetic high priest? How?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hebrews 1:5:2:4 Jesus GreaterThan Angels

Hebrews 1:5:2:4 Jesus GreaterThan Angels

     1. How do you think you might react if you saw an angel?

     2. How is Jesus distinguished from God? (1:5)

     3. What is the relationship of Jesus and the angels? (1:6)

     4. What are angels like? (1:7)

     5. What name or title applies to Jesus, the Son? (1:8)

     6. What is Jesus' nature? (1:10-12)

     7. What will happen to the enemies of Christ? (1:12)

     8. What do angels do? (1:14)

     9. What danger awaits Christians who carelessly forget the truth? (2:1)

     10. Who confirmed the salvation that Jesus announced? How? (2:3-4)

     11. What are some ways we can honor Christ?

     12. What difference does it make to you that Jesus sustains everything by His powerful word?

     13. When, if ever, have you sensed that angels were ministering to you or watching over you?

     14. What in your life tempts you to back away from your commitment to Christ?

     15. In what ways can you honor the Son of God as God in your worship this week?

     16. Who can you tell today about the unique person of Jesus Christ?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Online Bible Study Resources - Hebrews

Small Group Bible Studies in  Hebrews

Hebrews 1:1-4 Jesus: Son of God

Hebrews 1:1-4 - Jesus-The Son of God

     1. What are some restaurants, holiday spots, books, movies, or other areas of interest that you consider the best of their kind?

     2. How did God speak to people in the past? (1:1)

     3. What was God's means for speaking to mankind in "these last days"? (1:2)

     4. What unique honors or activities did God the Father delegate to Jesus? (1:2)

     5. What works did Jesus do that only God could do? (1:2-3, 10)

     6. Who is Jesus? (1:2-4)

     7. What does Jesus show us about the nature of God? (1:3)

     8. What astonishing feat is attributed to the Word of Christ? (1:3)

     9. What was Jesus' primary ministry on earth? (1:3)

     10. What difference does it make to you that Jesus is "heir of all things" and that the Father made the universe through Him?

     11. Why do you think the author of Hebrews made such a point of Christ's deity to these Hebrew Christians?

     12. What impact would you suspect these words had on Jewish Christians who were considering returning to Judaism?

     13. What steps can you take to remind yourself that Jesus is the Son of God and worth following?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Luke 24:36-49 - Jesus Appears to the Disciples

    Luke 24:36-49 - Jesus Appears to the Disciples

     1. When have you ever been really surprised?

     2. How did Jesus approach the disciples? (24:36)

     3. How did Jesus try to calm and reassure the disciples? (24:38-39)

     4. How did the disciples react to the evidence and convincing words of Jesus? (24:41)

     5. What emotions did the disciples display? (24:41)

     6. When did the disciples finally understand the Scriptures? (24:44-45)

     7. What did Jesus explain would be the result of His resurrection? (24:47)

     8. What instructions did Jesus give to His disciples? (24:48)

     9. What was the "power from on high" to which Jesus referred? (24:48)

     10. Why did Jesus consider it important to teach the disciples from the Old Testament?

     11. What does this passage teach us about God's role in our understanding of the gospel?

     12. What causes us to disbelieve the Scriptures?

     13. What proof did you need to be convinced of the truth of the gospel?

     14. What responsibility do we have to share our faith with others?

     15. How can you become a more regular student of the Scriptures?

     16. What could you do this week to settle the doubts about salvation that your non-Christian friends have?

Luke 24:1-12 - The Resurrection

Luke 24:1-12 - The Resurrection

     1. When was a time you told a true story that other people found hard to believe?

     2. What did the women find once they arrived at the tomb? (24:2)

     3. What happened while the women were wondering what had happened to Jesus' body? (24:4)

     4. How did the women respond to the angels? (24:5)

     5. What did the angels tell the women about Jesus? (24:5-7)

     6. What did the women do after the men had told them that Jesus had risen from the dead as He had predicted? (24:9)

     7. Why did the apostles not believe the women? (24:11)

     8. How did Peter respond to the sight of the empty tomb? (24:12)

     9. Why is Jesus' resurrection central to the Christian faith?

     10. Why did the disciples express disbelief even though Jesus had told them clearly that He would rise from the dead?

     11. What does this passage teach us about witnessing and evangelism?

     12. How does this story encourage you to share your faith with others?

     13. What should you do if others reject you or your testimony when you share your faith?

     14. How can you reaffirm your faith in God's promises this week?

     15. How can you prepare yourself for your next encounter with someone who criticizes you or does not accept your testimony?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Luke 23:26-43 - The Crucifixion

Luke 23:26-43 - The Crucifixion

     1. When have you had to endure teasing or abuse?

     2. Why did the soldiers seize Simon of Cyrene? (23:26)

     3. Why did such a large crowd gather? (23:27)

     4. How did Jesus treat the women mourning for Him? (23:28-31)

     5. What did Jesus mean when He said, "If men do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?" (23:31)

     6. What do Jesus' words on the cross reveal about His character? (23:34)

     7. How was Jesus treated by others while He was hanging on the cross? (23:35-39)

     8. What did the first criminal demand of Jesus? (23:39)

     9. What request did the second criminal on the cross make of Jesus? (23:42)

     10. How did Jesus respond to the criminal's plea? (23:43)

     11. What can you learn from the actions of the repentant criminal?

     12. What prevents many people from turning to Jesus?

     13. In what way are we all like the criminals on the cross?

     14. What do we need to approach Jesus for?

     15. What does this passage teach you about forgiveness?

     16. Why did Jesus choose not to save Himself from His suffering on the cross?

     17. Could you say thank you to Jesus this week for His gift of salvation?

     18. How can you place a new area of your life in Christ's hands?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Luke 18:35-43 - A Blind Beggar Receives His Sight

Luke 18:35-43 - A Blind Beggar Receives His Sight

     1. In what circumstances does the criticism of others not matter to you?

     2. How did the blind man know that something unusual was happening? (18:36)

     3. How did the blind man know who Jesus was? (18:37-38)

     4. How did the blind man respond to the situation? (18:38)

     5. What did the blind man do in response to the criticism of the crowd? (18:39)

     6. How did Jesus respond to the blind man? (18:40)

     7. Why did Jesus heal the blind man? (18:42)

     8. What role did the blind man's faith play in his healing? (18:42)

     9. How did the blind man and the crowds respond to the miracle Jesus performed? (18:43)

     10. What can we learn from this passage about persistence in prayer?

     11. What can we learn from the blind man in this account?

     12. How is faith involved in Jesus' miracles?

     13. How should you respond to group pressure?

     14. In what way do we all need healing from the Lord?

     15. Why do you think God heals some people and not others?

     16. What can you do this week to respond more appropriately to the criticism of others?

     17. What steps can you take to be persistent in your prayers this week?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Luke 18:18-30 - The Rich Ruler

Luke 18:18-30 - The Rich Ruler

     1. What is the best example of "materialism" that you can think of?

     2. What does the wording of the ruler's question reveal about his attitude? (18:18)

     3. How did Jesus respond to the ruler's question? (18:19)

     4. What does the ruler's response to Jesus reveal about his character? (18:21)

     5. What did the ruler lack? (18:22)

     6. How did the ruler respond to Jesus' instructions? (18:23)

     7. What was the rich man's problem? (18:24-25)

     8. What did Jesus reveal about how a person can inherit eternal life? (18:27)

     9. What did Jesus teach about sacrifice? (18:29-30)

     10. What prevents people today from following Christ?

     11. How did the rich man's money hurt him?

     12. How do you need to change your attitude toward money or your financial practices?

     13. What specific sacrifice do you think Jesus would ask of you if you asked Him, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?"

     14. What rewards could someone who left home for the kingdom of God expect?

     15. What is one sacrifice God is calling you to make?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Luke 18:9-14 - The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Luke 18:9-14 - The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

     1. How does it feel to be in the presence of someone markedly better than you at what you do best?

     2. How does our society regard the quality of humility?

     3. Why did Jesus tell this parable? (18:9)

     4. What did the Pharisee do? (18:11)

     5. What motivated the Pharisee to pray? (18:11)

     6. How did the Pharisee pray? (18:11-12)

     7. Why did the tax collector stand at a distance? (18:13)

     8. How did the tax collector pray? (18:13)

     9. What difference did it make how these men prayed? (18:14)

     10. What principle did Jesus stress? (18:14)

     11. What reputations did Pharisees and tax collectors have in Bible times?

     12. Who would be examples of "Pharisees" and "tax collectors" in our society today?

     13. How do we judge people according to outward appearances?

     14. How do you approach God in your prayers?

     15. What does this parable teach us about our prayer habits?

     16. In whose righteousness should we have confidence?

     17. Why does God honor the prayers of a humble person?

     18. In what area of your life do you want to combat a tendency to exalt yourself instead of Christ?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Studies and suggestions for Lent

Studies for Lent from the Melbourne Anglican Diocese (Australia)
1. 2010  Walking with Jesus through Lent (weekly group studies, Year C)   
Weekly studies using Year C Sunday Gospel readings plus Daily Studies for Holy Week based on the OT readings, with an introduction by Archbishop Freier. With background notes from a wide range of Melbourne Anglicans, and guidelines for reflecting on Scripture.

2. 2010 Walking with the Prophets through Lent (daily readings from the OT)
Daily readings using the daily OT readings for Lent. Invitations to reflect by Andrew McGowan, Peter Adam, Dorothy Lee, Barbara Deutschmann, David Williams, Andreas Löwe.

3. 2010 Leader’s Guide to Praying Scripture
Sections to help groups new to Scripture reflection using
lectio divina, Ignatian meditation, the African method used at the Lambeth conference, the Scripture Union method.

If you would like to try something different that will not only help you spiritually but might also help the planet try TEAR Fund’s Carbon Fast. Download from

Lent for the Non-Liturgical -from Christianity Today Magazine

The Empty Tomb and a Meaningful Life - Lenten Study series  (PDF)
from First Presbyterian Church San Diego. 

Luke 18:1-8 The Persistent Widow

Luke 18:1-8 - The Parable of the Persistent Widow

     1. In what circumstances is persistence beneficial?

     2. What was Jesus' purpose in telling His disciples this parable? (18:1)

     3. How did Jesus describe the judge in the story? (18:2)

     4. Why was the woman in the story especially helpless? (18:3)

     5. How will God's actions differ from those of the unjust judge? (18:7)

     6. How will God's actions differ from those of the unjust judge? (18:7)

     7. What promise does this parable offer to Christians? (18:8)

     8. Why do people stop praying?

     9. What does it mean to be persistent in our prayers?

     10. How can we be sure we are praying for things that are within the will of God?

     11. What justice do you need to see administered in your life or the lives of others?

     12. How can you guard against the temptation to give up praying when you do not see immediate results?

     13. What changes in your daily routine can you make that will enable you to pray more persistently?

     14. For what need or concern will you commit to praying persistently?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Luke 17:20-37 - Ready for Christ's Return

Luke 17:20-37 - Ready for Christ's Return

     1. What would you do if you were told you only had a few months left to live?

     2. What prompted Jesus to say, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation"? (17:20-21)

     3. What did Jesus tell His disciples they would long to see? (17:22)

     4. How did Jesus describe what the days of the Son of Man will be like? (17:24-30)

     5. What will happen to the person who attempts to keep his life? (17:33)

     6. What "phenomenon" will affect people on the day of the Son of Man? (17:34-35)

     7. What would gather where there is a dead body? (17:37)

     8. How would you describe your readiness for Christ's Second Coming?

     9. For what reason did Jesus warn, "Remember Lot's wife"?

     10. How does Jesus want us to view our earthly lives?

     11. Practically speaking, how could Jesus' teaching about losing your life make a difference in your daily routine?

     12. What people could you pray for this week who are still trying to keep their own life?

     13. How can you reaffirm your commitment to follow Jesus whatever the cost?

Luke 17:11-19 - Real Converts

Luke 17:11-19 - Real Converts

     1. What are you most thankful for ?

     2. How would you react if you were suddenly healed of a disease or sickness?

     3. Where did the events of this story take place? (17:11)

     4. What did the ten men want from Jesus? (17:13)

     5. What happened to the men as they went to show themselves to the priest? (17:14)

     6. How did one man express his thankfulness to Jesus? (17:15-16)

     7. How did Jesus respond to the one man who returned? (17:17-19)

     8. How does Jesus want you to respond to the work He performs in your life?

     9. When have you ever failed to thank the Lord for something He did for you?

     10. When is it difficult to say thank you to God?

     11. Why does God desire our praise?

     12. What should we do when we need physical or spiritual healing from the Lord?

     13. Why is faith necessary for spiritual healing?

     14. What will you praise the Lord more faithfully for this week that you have neglected to notice in the past?

     15. Who is one person you could tell today about the great things God has done for you?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Luke 17:1-10 Responsible Servants

Luke 17:1-10 Responsible Servants

     1. What makes it difficult to forgive a person who has wronged you?
     2. What did Jesus say about people who tempt others to sin? (17:1)

     3. What advice did Jesus give His disciples about how to react when others sin against them? (17:3-4)

     4. Why did the disciples think more faith would help them forgive in the way that Jesus instructed? (17:5)

     5. Why was Jesus' example of the mustard seed so startling? (17:6)

     6. In the parable, whom do the master and the servant represent? (17:7-9)

     7. What attitude should we have in working for the Lord? (17:10)

     8. What should you do if you discover that you have encouraged another believer to sin?

     9. When have you found it difficult to forgive someone?

     10. What is our "duty" as Christians?

     11. What attitudes and actions indicate a spirit of humility?

     12. What relationship can you work toward healing this week? How?

     13. What "duty" would the Lord urge you to fulfill this next week?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Luke 16:19-31 - The Rich Man and Lazarus

Luke 16:19-31 - The Rich Man and Lazarus

     1. What do you imagine heaven and hell will be like?

     2. How did Jesus describe the rich man in the story? (16:19)

     3. What does the story tell us about Lazarus? (16:20)

     4. What role did angels play in this story? (16:22)

     5. What difference did the rich man's wealth make in his eternal destiny? (16:22-23)

     6. What does this parable reveal about heaven and hell? (16:22-31)

     7. How did Abraham respond to the request of the rich man? (16:25)

     8. What was the other reason why Lazarus could not help the rich man? (16:26)

     9. Why did the rich man want Lazarus to go to his father's house on earth? (16:27-28)

     10. Why did Abraham say that Moses and the Prophets should be enough for the rich man's brothers? (16:29, 31)

     11. If Christians believe in the reality of hell, what do you think stops them from sharing their faith with others?

     12. What do you think prevents people from accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ?

     13. How does this story affect your understanding of the afterlife?

     14. What things do you think have eternal value?

     15. How would this Scripture passage encourage Christians who are sick, poor, or disadvantaged?

     16. How has this parable changed your attitude toward witnessing to unbelievers?

     17. In the next few days, how can you demonstrate your thankfulness to the Lord for His provision of eternal life?

     18. How many people like Lazarus do you know who could benefit from your compassion today?

Luke 16:16-18 - Additional Teachings

Luke 16:16-18 - Additional Teachings

     1. What attitudes does our culture have toward divorce?

     2. What two eras did John the Baptist's ministry divide? (16:16)

     3. What is easier than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law? (16:17)

     4. Why did Jesus emphasize the importance of the Law? (16:17)

     5. What relation does the section on divorce have to the previous verses about the Law? (16:18)

     6. How has Jesus' life changed the importance of the Law? (16:16-18)

     7. What difference does it make that Jesus' ministry was a perfect fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets?

     8. What should be our attitude toward divorce?

     9. How do you think Jesus would want you to treat Christians who are divorced?

     10. If you have been hypocritical in your strict adherence to the letter of the law, what can you do to increase your commitment to the spirit of the law?

     11. What can you do this week to renew your obedience to the commands of Jesus in your everyday life?

     12. What could you do to help a person who is experiencing marriage difficulties?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Luke 16:1-15 - The Parable of the Shrewd Manager

Luke 16:1-15 - The Parable of the Shrewd Manager

     1. How is a shrewd businessperson viewed in our society today?

     2. How can the love of money hurt a person?

     3. How did the rich man respond to the manager who was "wasting his possessions"? (16:1-2)

     4. Why was the manager scared to lose his job? (16:3)

     5. What plan did the manager devise to secure his future? (16:4-7)

     6. How did the rich master react to the dishonest dealings of the manager? (16:8)

     7. Who are the "people of light" to whom Jesus referred? (16:8)

     8. What main principle should govern the way we use our resources? (16:10-12)

     9. Why is it impossible to serve two masters? (16:13)

     10. What did Jesus mean when He said, "Use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves"?

     11. Why is it so difficult to keep a proper perspective on money?

     12. How can we be sure that we will be "welcomed into eternal dwellings"?

     13. How can you become more trustworthy in handling the money and things that God has given you?

     14. What can you do during this next week to become a better steward of the resources God has given you?

Luke 15:11-32 - The Parable of the Lost Son

Luke 15:11-32 - The Parable of the Lost Son

     1. How do you normally react when you feel you have been treated unfairly?

     2. What did the younger son ask his father to do? (15:12-13)

     3. How did the younger son live once he was out on his own? (15:13-20)

     4. Why did the younger son have to hire himself out for work? (15:14-15)

     5. What made the younger son decide to return home? (15:17-19)

     6. How did the father respond to the younger son's return home? (15:20)

     7. Why did the father call for a celebration? (15:22-24)

     8. What was wrong with the older brother's reaction to his brother's return? (15:25-32)

     9. Why did the father want the older brother to be happy? (15:31-32)

     10. What does the forgiving love of the father in this story represent?

     11. How have you been like the prodigal son in this story?

     12. When have you been like the older brother?

     13. From whom do we tend to withhold mercy?

     14. What causes us to harbor resentment when mercy is shown to someone else?

     15. What should we do when a vile person wants to be forgiven?

     16. How can you show compassion for those who have not believed in Christ?

     17. What does this parable reveal to you about the Lord's love?

     18. How can you guard yourself against feeling resentment when God shows mercy to people you think don't deserve it?

     19. To what "undeserving" person can you extend God's love and forgiveness this week? How?